Thursday, January 15, 2015

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Home Presentation House in the Media Centre Social VMAC ADAJ43 kies adherent Associations ADEF + Activities Children Activities Arts - Crafts Theatre Dance Physical Activities, wellness Knowledge, fun and discovery Music Contemporary Music Artists Residence Practical info
Organic fair, round tables, kies workshops, seed swaps and slips, film debates, concerts, catering and refreshment organic and local area children ... The main theme will be around 50 years of Nature & Progress and topics will be rural, the chipping and industrialization of agriculture, TAFTA (Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Europe), N & P: 50 years of initiatives for future bio, SPG, the future European regulation kies ...
- 10 am in front of the city hall of Puy-en-Velay: Actions "Stop TAFTA *" on the market with the collective Stop TAFTA 43 (rally, towing, skits and ambulation). * Treaty of Free trade between the United States and Europe.
The modernization of agriculture in the name of science and progress has not imposed without resistance. Sheep farming, kies hitherto kies spared beginning to feel the first stirrings kies of a desire for industrialization ... Discussion kies with Stéphane Montigny, sheep farmer in Haute-Loire who refuses chipping. kies
1 / Collective wind Monastier This is the "Arm Musical" Festival which takes place in the same village. Powerful band that revisits the themes trad, Balkan music and a few "hits" of the genre. This training music-de-rue-who-plays-not-the-Pitchouli is an offshoot of the musical spirit of Monastier-sur-Gazeille.
2 / Naouack !! Do not be fooled by appearances. Despite their name, the Naouack do not do anything. One could even say that their musical cocktail is finely thought. These "Aliens" concoct a mixture combining all that is good and shifted in the current music. Whether energetic and ironic kies phrasing of an alternative rap riffs a supercharged rock and frantic rhythms of electro, everything must be in the service of their musical construction that it must be crazy limit. You understand quickly the mixture gives something pretty spectacular suggesting the great potential of the training. Their references range from Svinkels to Lofofora through Maniacx. These three examples clearly define what Naouack can do, both in energy, wacky or accuracy. Mr Red for "A disk Someday"
Organic farmers and processors, kies snacks, organic associative actors of the environment, solidarity, kies alternative health and eco-housing, craftsmen and artists in ecological and ethical approach, independent publishers ... you're invited! We invite you to come and present your products, know-how and what you stand for. More than 40 associations stalls, organic farmers and artisans. All day children's entertainment area with Sauce Méjeanne and associaton Young shoots.
"Engaging" on issues of collective organization internally, mobilization techniques, tools and community education postures that encourage participation.
The Intervention Brigade Manouche do not like being perched on tall scenes. She prefers the proximity of people, notes that blend in conversations, the sound of glasses when a toast. Django and his followers are the directory kies that consists of swingset waltzes.
Eliane Anglaret (President of the Federation Nature & Progress) and Pierre Besse (farmer, activist kies Local Solidarity Partnerships. Co-author of The Organic between business and society project, kies led by Philippe Baqué, Agone Publishing, 2012)
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Recent reviews Thanks buddies | Lab in Azad FESTIVAL BAD SEEDS EDITION 2013 New EP coming soon! | Lab in Azad FESTIVAL BAD SEEDS EDITION 2013 Fred Oukonva Festival in Bad Seeds PONTOISE Alain Edouard Beekeeping Conference in Mattoo in Concert: MO'Kalamity & the wizards matoo in Concert: Zion Train, KL Roots and Dub Hold jl in Dr. FEELGOOD concert Archives Select kies Month December 2014 (1) November 2014 (7) October 2014 (2) September 2014 (3) August 2014 (1) June 2014 (1) May 2014 (5) April 2014 (1) March 2014 (2 ) Févrie

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