Wednesday, January 28, 2015

He first recorded birch in Europe in 1979 in Albania, where he most likely birch entered the goods

Celebrate Asian tiger mosquito ready - Plant Protection
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He first recorded birch in Europe in 1979 in Albania, where he most likely birch entered the goods from China. 1990 and was entered in Italy, it is assumed in the old car tires, birch and since then spreading birch rapidly through Europe, especially southern. Today this type of spread, not only across Europe but also in all the continents, thanks to its ability to quickly adapt to different environmental conditions. In the area of SE Asia this mosquito is active all year round, but in novozauzetim areas colder climates, adapted in a way that survives cold winters in the egg stage. birch In addition to resistance to temperatures below zero, a tiger mosquito eggs can survive for very long periods of dry, which allows this type of successful transfer to new areas. Aedes albopictus with us is active, depending on climatic conditions, from May to October. In early autumn female mosquito disposed "resistant eggs" that surname. From eggs that survive the winter in the spring will be hatched larvae, but only when conditions are favorable: a lot of moisture, temperature not below + 10 C, and an average of about 13 hours fotoperiodizma (light). During the warm period, when the temperature around 25 C, in standing water, which may be a minimum depth of only a few centimeters, the larva is changing in the pulp tissue, from which, after a period of several weeks to develop mosquito adults. The average life expectancy tiger mosquito is about 3-4 weeks, which spends within a hundred birch meters of spawning. The adults of mosquitoes flying slowly and almost never fly more than one meter. Their way flight does not guarantee great mobility, only in cases when with the help of wind or some sort of transport can cover greater distances, and it is only in rare cases can be found on the upper floors of buildings.
As for the bite, sting only female mosquitoes, because of the maturation of eggs need the protein from human and animal blood, while the males feed exclusively on plant juices. The difference between an ordinary mosquito (Culex pipiens) and the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is the color of the body, which is an ordinary mosquito birch brown, and in the other black with white stripes, and a gnat little bigger than a tiger. Also these two types have different behavior in the choice birch of site for the disposal of eggs. Female common mosquito lays the eggs in groups on large bodies of water (lakes, ponds, swamps), while female tiger mosquito lays the eggs in small clusters of water (stagnant water deposits). The difference is also an ordinary mosquito bite at night, while the tiger active per day, mostly in the late morning or afternoon, and the tiger mosquito has a robust proboscis with which sting, and can sting even through clothing. And another difference is that ordinary mosquitoes buzzing, a tiger does not emit sounds. Female tiger mosquito has no defense mechanism against the cold, and before winter, before you die hatches "resistant" eggs from which the flies hatch a new generation of mosquitoes. Unlike the tiger, common mosquito can survive the winter in a sheltered spot, such as basements and attics. Adult tiger mosquitoes most of the day in the vegetation, where the level of humidity increased, waiting for the passage of a warm-blooded animal or human.
FOVAL mosquitoes and flies is an insecticide in the form of a microemulsion birch which is in the hand spray gun capacity of 750 ml. The product is to use, and all you have to do is activate the sprinkler and insecticide disperse within the area in which there are mosquitoes. Agent is sprayed in the air, on the walls, furniture and similar places where they are located or keep mosquitoes. FOVAL mosquitoes and flies contains a combination of active ingredients that you currently solve these annoying pest, and maintains efficacy over a longer period and thus suppressed and mosquitoes which subsequently landed on the treated surface. birch
FOVAL marking liquid insecticide in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, which is intended to be diluted with water. Just before use to make a 1-2% solution (10-20 ml / 1 liter of water), and manual or spinal compression sprayer, spray the bushes, hedges, grass, etc. (Thick vegetation where due to increased humidity mosquitoes linger) within your garden, park or courtyard. Spray should be during the day, at a time when mosquitoes are active and hide in such shelters. Of course that spraying should be repeated, usually after 7-15 days, depending on temperature and inbound mosquitoes "on the side".
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