Monday, January 5, 2015

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Ancylostoma gj duodenale (hookworm) is a nematode (worm roller). Nematodes are non-segmented, round worms in which the expressed sexual dimorphism (individuals are separated sexes), males are smaller than females. The body of nematodes is covered by the cuticle, which is complex material. Below the cuticle are muscle layer that allows the movement of parasites. Females Ancylostomae duodenale reach 10-13 mm in males 8-11mm.
Man is infected by walking barefoot on soil endemic areas. gj The eggs are expelled feces and 1-2 days after hatch larvae gj that grow and survive in faeces or country, after 5-10 days become infectious. At this stage can survive 3-4 weeks in favorable conditions. In contact with the man, penetrating the skin through the veins go to the heart, then to the lungs. Enter the pulmonary alveoli, ascendant go to the bronchial tree, the pharynx gj and are swallowed and so reach the small intestine where mature into adults.
The most common infections signs. Once at the site of entry of the parasite through the skin, can occur vesicles and pustules, which are accompanied by itching. Due to the presence of nematodes gj in the small intestine, resulting from bleeding of the digestive tract, which leads to severe anemia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. During migration through the lungs formed small hemorrhages accompanied by cough with hoarseness, and in the case of massive invasion comes to pneumonia. Very rarely can occur tracheitis and coughing.
They are used antihelmintni drugs: albendazole, gj levamisole, mebendazole, pyrantel gj pamoate or alcopar. In endemic gj areas is recommended preventive gj administration of therapy once or twice a year.
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Adenoiditis acuta adhesive capsulitis adrenogenital syndrome gj Acute dilatation of stomach Acute Acute bacterial thyroiditis Acute endometritis acute suppurative inflammation of the lymphatic tissue alcoholism amyloidosis Amyloidosis kidney abscess amnesia autoimmune diseases Autoimmune pluriglandularni syndrome Autoimmune diseases pluriglandularni syndrome and kidney disease throat liver disease lung disease thyroid addictions disease pharynx diseases of the stomach diseases stomach bronchiectasis bronchial asthma dysplasia endometritis fissures fungus hematomas gj hemorrhagic laryngitis hepatitis hypersecretion gj of estrogen hormone disorders hypertension ischemia liver colon bleeding laryngitis laryngitis acuta haemorrhagica treatment doctor medicine nematode gj disease of the articular capsule eating disorders injuries of head injury, problems with breathing mental disorders psychiatry psychology rhinitis atrophic rhinitis thyroid thyroid gland inflammation pregnancy sore throat tonsillitis arthritis inflammation viruses viral infection high blood pressure inflammation of uterus inflammation of the lacrimal gland lacrimal bags inflammation, respiratory failure stomach jaundice
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