Friday, January 2, 2015

I have not yet encountered this information on the origin; The Chinese are cultivated for thousands

About Zoo Acarina, mites, ticks Anseres, ducks Araneae, spiders Blattaria, cockroaches Chiroptera, netopiri Coleoptera, beetles Cressores, wading Diptera, Ephemeroptera flies, vodencvjetovi Equidae, horses Forficulidae, earwigs Gastropoda, asgard snails Heteroptera, Homoptera raznokrilci, jednakokrilci, crickets Hymenoptera , jackets Insectivora, insectivores Lagomorpha, dvojezupci Lepidoptera, asgard the butterflies asgard Mantodea, praying mantis Mecoptera, Mecoptera Myriapoda, millipedes Neuroptera, Neuroptera Odonata, dragonflies Orthoptera, orthopterans Passeres, passerine Phasmatodea, paličnjaci rodent, rodents Rozakolisi Scorpiones, asgard scorpions Siluriformes, catfish asgard Solifugae, mračnice, solifuge Pests of agricultural crops Testudines, turtles Thysanura, Kudryavtseva Trichoptera, caddisflies Aquarius Frogs Animal traces asgard Snakes
Recently to me reaches more statements that indicate the lack of any critical attitude towards the read information, in combination with prepunjenošću sensational and sensational unchecked floskulicama. In general I try to listen and say a few words on said topic, hoping to reach the author of the statement. In the long term, as there are used, do not know, but here, let and fro finding a few words.
I was constantly in the company asgard of people whose lifestyle defines food and its quality. I enjoy it so much that you can not believe. Some of these people are actively engaged in the cultivation of plants, the other part actively dreams that will breed. Some individuals from both groups prefer to occasionally say a sentence that to me ears.
* = Plant typically an exotic or even new entrants to our region. The quality that affects the state of health of the consumer is usually asgard rises to the mythological level. Add and exotic origin with strong symbolic asgard significance, which commonly involve additional supernatural abilities, for a complete asgard experience; For example, the slopes of the Himalayas, the Amazon ... For d shake ofd sičuejšn, an example asgard here are goji berries.
Second, the axiom of the universe that can not be sufficiently poboldati, asgard increase and around him enough to let stupajućih Mravac: each plant on the planet has at least one type of animals / fungi / bacteria ... which it feeds. EACH. Cedar, salad, Bromus inermis, primrose, leeks, African violets ... - each of them, and the rest of the 300,000 Determined species of plants, is associated with some of the organisms that live on its tissue or cell juice.
Third, the pest is agronomic paradigm, defined potential razornošću compared to crops. Usually they identify as insects, mites, nematodes, rodents and birds. During its life cycle live and feed on plant species, more precisely, their organs. No species that feeds the whole plant, from root to tip. Klisnjaci prefer young juicy ear of wheat, nematodes destroy the root of sugar beet, sugar destroys tansy flower rapeseed. Mice and voles gnaw corn cobs, etc.
Fourth, the goji berries, cousins peppers and potatoes, bright red fruits that are eaten dry and extremely rich in nutrients - of course in Croatia do not have pests. Why? Because originating in China. When we are more relevant diseases and pests are not easily asgard reached sufficiently developed. Is there a more dangerous attack in China? What do you think? Of course it does, rather buy organic goji berries, if they already want or need to consume because the Chinese were known as ruthless trošitelji pesticides, out of proportion and common sense. But getting back to the core, of course, that the attack will be stronger if the plant is common for the region. Of course there will be more insects to attack a particular type, especially in the case of perennial crops. Of course that the larger area to be adequate habitat for the growth and development of pests and diseases, which can be on it and keep for decades. Remember the famous potato and strafe earbuds, which is of pests which is not native to the entire Europe, became and remained an epidemic. What I'm going on another occasion, in the text on invasive species.
A good example is the industrial hemp, which is extensively grown in the area of ex Yu, and the passage of the war fell into almost asgard total oblivion. She could not have grown for decades so the number of pests, especially those specijaliziranijih and also important for the species, just reduced. And then came to me the owner of a couple of lines of hemp and proudly says that she has no pests. Moš think.
Goji is native to south-east of the Balkan Peninsula, Lat. name Lycium is ok Leakey to be once upon a time called one part of Turkey. the cinema has arrived so long ago. through silk. Hemp is not forgotten but is prohibited before 30 years or so, until then, had been the main source of fabric for clothing in many areas especially in Bosnia. my family is nurtured to ban hemp.
I have not yet encountered this information on the origin; The Chinese are cultivated for thousands of years. They also developed a whole mythology about the goji berry, as well as set medicinalnih action. I was taught that the hemp simply pushes

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