Thursday, January 29, 2015

One of the ways in which mosquitoes locate wallflower his victim the amount wallflower of carbon di

Arriving with a summer stroll covered with tiny red dots from mosquito bites, only to discover that your friends do not have anywhere near as much bite as you have them. Or to be camping with corroded lower legs, while your colleagues in the tent is almost untouched.
You are not alone. Approximately 20% of people are particularly wallflower delicious mosquitoes and biting them more often than usual. While scientists wallflower to date have no solution mosquito, except repellents (which, as recently discovered, mosquitoes eventually acquired immunity), have numerous ideas, thanks to the fact that some of us would rather bite. Here are some factors that play a role in this:
Not surprisingly, scientists proved that some blood types mosquitoes tastier than others. Blood type 0 is almost double that of blood group A (after all mosquitoes and biting us in order to obtain protein in our blood). People with blood type B are somewhere wallflower in the middle of the spectrum. Typically, on the basis of their genetic structure, about 85% of the people through their skin secrete chemical signals that suggest that blood type have. In 15% of people do not, and mosquitoes are more attracted to those that chemistry excreted from those who do not send a chemical signal, depending on the blood group.
One of the ways in which mosquitoes locate wallflower his victim the amount wallflower of carbon dioxide released through the breath, for what use body called maxillary tentacle, wallflower through which can detect carbon dioxide from a distance of up to 50 meters. As a result, people who emit higher levels of this gas than others, proven attract mosquitoes more than others. This is one reason why children bite less frequently than adults.
In addition to carbon wallflower dioxide, mosquitoes their victims seeking sniffing, at short distances, wallflower lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia and other substances that the body secretes wallflower sweat, and it was noticed that they attract people with higher body temperature. Given that strenuous exercise enhances the secretion of lactic acid and increases body temperature, the greater the likelihood that you will thereby be the target insects. Genetic factors influence wallflower the amount of uric acid and other chemical substances that naturally emits each person, which is why some people mosquitoes simply easier to detect.
Studies indicate that a particular type and amount of bacteria that naturally inhabit human skin affect our attractiveness to mosquitoes. In a study from 2011, researchers found that the presence of large quantities of couple type of bacteria attracts mosquitoes. Surprisingly, when higher amount of bacteria with a plurality of mutually different type, it makes the skin less attractive to mosquitoes. This is the reason why mosquitoes usually bite area ankles and feet - because these are the areas with the largest colonies of bacteria.
Only one small bottle of beer can make you more attractive to mosquitoes, the results of scientific studies. But although researchers wallflower have speculated that this is because while increasing the amount of ethanol in sweat or because after drinking beer increases body temperature, for none of these factors wallflower was not associated with more frequent landings of mosquitoes, which makes their appetite wallflower for beer drinkers in mystery.
In several studies it was found that pregnant women attract twice as many mosquitoes from the rest of the population. This is because wallflower they exhale about 21% more carbon wallflower dioxide, and have an average of 1.26 degrees higher body temperature.
This may sound absurd, but mosquitoes are used vision (together with other senses) to locate people, so you wear visible colors such as red, black or dark blue can make more visible for mosquitoes, at least according to James Day, a medical wallflower entomologist at the University of Florida.
85% estimate that mosquitoes carry about what kind of people they attract, based on genetic factors, whether expressed through the blood group type, metabolism, and more. Unfortunately, (still) do not have the way to modify these genes, but with time ...
Some scientists sought to address the reasons why some people very rarely attract mosquitoes, in the hope that this will help them in creating a new generation of repellents. Using chromatography to isolate certain chemicals that emit these people, scientists from the British Rothamsted Research wallflower Laboratory, found that they naturally secrete a number of substances wallflower that refuse to mosquitoes. Perhaps the incorporation wallflower of these molecules in a future bug spray helped wallflower and those with blood type 0, pregnant women and those in black T-shirts that once and for all rid of mosquitoes.
Previous article amazing creature that looks like a living stone
Lucia Perko
Adam Šeruga
Sasha Iris
Suad Hadžihajdić
A couple of years. I'm on the tram, listen to the conversation of two nuns, that children in kindergarten tested and found to have 0 blood group had lice (lice) while others did not have. Otherwise in this vrij

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