Saturday, January 24, 2015

The development cycle is one of njinteresantnijih things related to mosquitoes. At first it is a ti

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It's just one animal a few millimeters long without reason and consciousness. Allah is one who is endowed with these attributes mosquito. "Allah praises all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Its dominion of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and death. He is almighty. "(Translation meanings El-Hadid 1-2)
Qur'an frequently summons people to investigate nature and to recognize the signs of Allah in it. All the animate and inanimate in the Cosmos is a lot of signs that show the power, knowledge and art of their Creator. One should recognize these characters using their reason cicadas and endlessly praising Allah While all living beings have the signs we have mentioned, some of them the Qur'an specifically mentions. One of them is the mosquito. In the 26th verse of Surah Baqarah he is mentioned in the following way: "God is really not ashamed to as an example of a mosquito or indicate something from him trifling! Those who believe, they know this to be true from their Lord! And those who disbelieve say: What Allah had with this example? Time On many culverts mistaken and many Instruction water. And just hate sinners leave mistaken. "(Translation by E. Karic)
What is commonly understood, when the mosquitoes, it is that they suck blood and to feed it. However, this is not entirely true, because blood does not suck all the gnats but only the females, and even those not suck to nourish it. Both males and females feed on flower nectar and the only reason why females, unlike males suck blood is their need for the proteins found in the blood and to assist in the development of future offspring. In other words, the female mosquito sucking blood just to ensure the continuation of the species. When the extension type (for breeding) a very important role for the hearing cicadas organ in males. cicadas To these he can successfully be noted female Završće these organs have a high sensitivity to the sounds of female. Males normally cicadas mosquitoes fly in group naličeći thereby cicadas to a small cloud. When female flies into this group, the male who fails to catch her mates with her during flight. Male is then passed back to the group and continuing years. From that moment the females need to suck blood because in this way enhances the development of the offspring.
The development cycle is one of njinteresantnijih things related to mosquitoes. At first it is a tiny larva is gradually passing through several cicadas different phases transforms into a mature mosquito. Female summer cicadas and autumn lays eggs on damp leaves or dried-out river beds. Before that she thoroughly examines land using his gentle senses on the lower part of the body. When you find a suitable place, it starts with laying eggs, which are less than one millimeter by placing them in rows. Another type of mosquito jajašcad stick together making such a small raft which can sometimes have up to 300 eggs. Carefully laid eggs, initially white and therefore very noticeable, gradually begins to darken and for two hours becomes completely black. This dark color provides protection by preventing larvae cicadas of other insects and birds to notice them. The incubation period lasts for one winter. Jajašcad have a structure that allows them to survive during the long cold winter and to stay alive until the end of incubation.
When completed the incubation period, the larvae from jajašcadi starting out almost simultaneously. As soon as the first egg is opened, it almost immediately in that accompany cicadas all other jajašcad. After that, all together cicadas larvae start to float on the water surface. During this period, they grow very quickly because all the food. Soon, their skin becomes tight and so they interfere with growth. Then comes the time for the first revision of the foreskin. Old skin smoothly falls. While not attain their full size, the larva will have JOC two changes foreskin.
The larva has a rather interesting way in which it feeds. Specifically, she with her two little sprouts make a small vrtložić in water that bacteria and other mik

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