Wednesday, January 7, 2015

As a major pests in our gardens deserve special topic. Here I will introduce fuentes you to our com

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As a major pests in our gardens deserve special topic. Here I will introduce fuentes you to our common enemy, to present to you the species that inhabit our gardens, and finally present various possibilities of protection against them and the possibility of any such co-existence. To begin with we all know that our gardens inhabit two types of snails: naked people with homes Both fall into the category of pests, but also useful animals in the garden. To clarify, slugs are extremely aggressive and we work every year increasing damage to garden fuentes cultures. Although the snails with houses like a little bite salatice it is incomparably lower rates compared to these slug, because we consider them good animals in the garden, because wherever the soil lying introduced plant parts or dead animals, snails stop and eat their remains, preventing the emergence of a variety of other diseases. And now some of the snails: In the fall of snails deposited in the cracks of the country their eggs that look like white pearls. And adult snails are fleeing from the cold, hiding in the hollow spaces. In all skim beams align the country that they are not there to find shelter. fuentes In early spring often dig over the soil, because in this way disturb the hidden snails and freeze during cold nights. During wet years that are rich in snails, need to cover mulch only in a thin layer. You do not need to be watered in the evening because the moisture next night to lure a bunch of snails. One fact that you certainly will not cheer: slugs in something like hibernation can be carried out within the country seven years without food (moisture they need) and survive Area snail body covered with a layer of cells that build a skin (epidermis). Below this are many glands that secrete mucus by which the snail to move. The snail's nervous system is well developed and consists of several ganglia. fuentes They stimulate the head, foot, intestine and mantle. He wears a large tentacles (bubble-shaped eyes) and small tentacles (touch, sense of balance and sense of smell). The digestive system begins with the mouth where there are boards fuentes for chopping food, then continues on the mouth pharynx, fuentes esophagus and to pass into the stomach. The food is in the mouth mixes with mucus salivary glands. fuentes Blood spreads fuentes the nutrients throughout the body, and undigested particles extracted through the anus. Snails have an open circulatory system which is the evolutionary progress. Their blood after leaving the vessel enters the hollow space between the bodies. Hence blood cells teaches nutrients and oxygen and takes toxins caused by cellular respiration and relates them to the authorities that they secrete. The heart consists of one ventricle and one atrium. For secretion snail uses so-called kidneys. It is a hermaphrodite and fertilization is internal.
Slugs Brown prpolj (Arion ater) grows 10-15 cm Color: reddish, brown or black
A large vine (Helix pomatia) Eating eggs slugs and thus contribute to the regulation of the number of snails in the garden. I must mention that I love these snails - and wherever you see him bring him closer to the garden
Here industrial protection measures against them, but for our gardens fuentes that all of them were too expensive investment. We will be interesting to other measures of protection of the snails, fuentes but I should mention this fence for snails (Bio-fix), a Swiss invention - galvanized sheet metal whose upper edge has a distinctly curved profile. Snails can not cross, and sharp edges. Lifetime fence is suitable for fencing of endangered fuentes cultures or whole garden, so it is a very good help for land adjoining wet meadows or forest edges. Neudorffov Intensive System for Culture, German product - consists of brown plastic elements that can be put together arbitrarily. Curled edges, held snails away from the protected interior. In addition, it can cover "tunnel" from the film (hot hotbed) for growth-sensitive graft provided that all the snails hidden in the "interior" caught before sowing. Emca-fence against snails consists of a plastic strip containing two thin wires. The battery holding them under a stream fuentes of low voltage. Snails touch react bypassing unpleasant electric shock. This plastic fence can be separated beams or larger areas of the garden.
Nematodes in the fight against snails - caution Here I particularly single out the latest sophistication

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