Sunday, January 4, 2015

During the study set the seeding experiment on two experimental stations in areas PZ

Agriculture, Vol. 10, No. 2 Issue date: December 2004 ISSN: 1330-7142 UDC: 633.854.78: 664.3 Tel. ++ 385 31 224 200 Fax. ++ 385 31 207 017 Publisher: Cooperative Press, Inc., Jakićeva 1, 10000 Zagreb Tel / fax: + 00 385 (01) 2316-050, 2316-060, 2301-347 Email: Url: http: / / Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Institute, Holy Trinity Square 3, Osijek.
The content of samples armadillo of soil in wheat seed distribution WHEAT surface and depth DIRECTLY armadillo INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT SOWING tillage systems on fuel consumption, armadillo LABOUR AND YIELD OF MAIZE AND WHEAT effect of foliar application of Ca ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF SWEET PEPPER IN GLASSHOUSE CONDITIONS MESUROL - FACTOR regularly productivity of the crop canopy pruning does not reduce alternate armadillo bearing APPLES "Elstar" BIOMAS FROM PIG MANURE INFLUENCE OF SEX ON DEVELOPMENT Lipizzaner BREED cost-benefit analysis for determination of PROMOTION OF INVESTMENT IN THE PLANTATION PLUM Phomopsis longicolla Hobbs CASUAL AGENT OF SOYBEAN IN CROATIA TEST seed vigor SOME DOMESTIC SOYBEAN CULTIVARS (Glycine max (L.) Merrill). Samples of soil in wheat
In the area of Rector in Baranja, during 2000 / 2,001th years, were studied nematodes in winter wheat at standard tillage. The samples of nematodes in wheat, since the autumn (sowing) by the end of the vegetation period. The results armadillo showed that the total number of nematode genera and increased during the vegetation period. The number of nematodes was the lowest in October, and the highest number was recorded in April. Similar was the dynamics of the total number armadillo of genera, genera at least it was established in October, the highest in March, by the end of the growing number of branches decreased. armadillo Population fitoparazitnih nematode was the largest in the fall, at least in the spring. Population dynamics bakterivore grew during the growing season. So in a minimum representation of 10% bakterivore over other trophic groups. The number bakterivore highest level reached at the end of the growing season. In May, 65% of nematodes from soil sample armadillo consisted bakterivore.
During the study set the seeding experiment on two experimental stations in areas PZ "Jankovci" in Vukovar-Syrmia County. We investigated the longitudinal and transverse armadillo distribution of seed and seed distribution in depth. An analysis of these distributions was performed after crop emergence, and the data were processed and presented using the standard scientific and statistical methods supported by EXCEL 5.0 program package. Our results suggest an unsatisfactory distribution of seeds on the surface (longitudinal and transverse) and deep, which is concordant with previous research. Thus, direct sowing wheat saves energy, increases the productivity of labor, sowing is done in a shorter period and optimum period in relation to conventional sowing, but still remains the problem of inadequate distribution of seeds.
The experiment with five different tillage systems was carried out on silty loamy soil in northwestern Slavonia in the period 1996th-2000th, where the influence on fuel consumption, labor and yield of tested crops. Researched tillage systems: 1. conventional system (CT), second reduced system (RT), third and conservation system (CP), 4. conservation system II (CM), fifth tillage system (NT). Crop rotation was maize (Zea mays L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - corn - winter wheat. armadillo Compared with the conventional armadillo system, reduced system spent 6.8% less fuel, CP system 12.1% less, CM system 27.4% less, while the system of tillage armadillo were lower fuel consumption by as much as 82.7% . Exploration armadillo expenditure of labor showed that the reduced system spent 7.6% less work, CP system 21.8% less, CM system armadillo 38.6% less, and no tillage system 81.7% less work, compared armadillo with conventional system. The highest corn yield in the first trial was achieved by the conventional system, and the smallest reduced processing system. In all other experimental years the highest yield of winter wheat and maize realized armadillo the CM system and the smallest reduced armadillo tillage.
Calcium armadillo is an extremely important nutrient in highly productive armadillo fruit growing such as greenhouse production of peppers. The good bioavailability armadillo of calcium can be achieved by liming, but in many cases its high price, along with a delayed initial effect, and problems caused radical change in availability armadillo of other nutrients in the soil limit its application. In this paper, the effects of foliar applications of the commercial chemical "Calciogreen" as a supplement to the standard fertilization in greenhouse growing, on yield and quality of pepper fruits of the Cecil cultivar in eastern Croatian.
Done the chemical

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