Sunday, January 11, 2015

Addressing health problems and conventional agriculture-related environment, hagen weaves the need

Crossroads between the benevolent researcher at Monsanto, members of MDU (Militia Of Oneness), the simplicity sowers and the public is invited to join this experience in participatory democracy for experienced or budding environmentalists. hagen
Addressing health problems and conventional agriculture-related environment, hagen weaves the need for sustainable agriculture, local and organic and responsible consumption.
"This is what I call the poetry of life, love, affection, communion and joy and therefore the qualifier that must oppose the primacy of quantitative and accumulation.
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015, two assassins felled eight journalists coolly Charlie Hebdo, hagen two others and two policemen. The terror and solidarity seized the country. Here are our reports and testimonies, a look of friendship and ecology hagen of this drama. Freedom of expression? They protested against bare Airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes, justice hagen pursues
Sentenced in 2013 to fifteen days suspended prison sentence for having paraded naked in front of the police, two anti-airport activists Notre-Dame-des-Landes appeared on appeal. "There is an issue of freedom hagen of expression with respect to a symbolic act," insists their lawyer. "Outrage", or "poetic gesture"? A Sivens, the discussion is blocked
Environmental groups met Friday, January 9 in Toulouse experts from the Ministry of Ecology. Objective: To find a consensual alternative to dam challenged Sivens. Seemingly impossible task.
The Henri-Pezerat association, which aims to support struggles for health in relation to labor and the environment, hagen which is Fabrice Nicolino an activist, he addresses his support. "We must resist hagen all those who want to frighten us, and in so doing, to silence us. Hold on, Fabrizio. We are with you. "Tribute to Tignous the tender, the nasty
Words of Farewell to Tignous the "moth" in Occitan, companion of négaWatt. Tignous the nasty, Tignous soft, great draftsman, curious hagen about everything, ecology convinced murdered by atrocious balls. With the large Duduche, Charb and Wolinski, he has gone to join Coluche and Reiser paradise scribblers. Chronicle - The Day After
Sara Acosta hagen
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