Friday, January 2, 2015

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Morphological characteristics: the dimensions of growth: up to 30 cm high and 45 cm wide habitus: pillowy creeping deciduous perennial that forms a nugget, herbaceous subshrub stem / bark: erect herbaceous stems green, at the top slightly hairy; flower stalks solid sheet: alternating, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, coarsely hairy, usually dark green or gray - green, at the base forms a rosette flower / inflorescence: a large single stellate cmi purple - blue or pink - blue flower heads with yellow center (shape of a flower daisies) fruit: dried seed heads - Rog (ahenije) brown, develop in summer
Breeding characteristics: well-permeable clay soil, moderately dry or fresh, acidic cmi to neutral (pH 6 to 7.5), less fertile with suitable moisture over the summer; better suit him colder climatic conditions; resistant to frost and air pollution; submitted arid soil; relatively shallow root system; after flowering require pruning; It reproduces by dividing; takes from 2 to 5 years before cmi reaching the maximum size; relatively slow growing and long-lived species is not; Problems in breeding: garden snails and slugs, aphids, leaf nematodes and nematode on buds, wilting cmi and leaf spot, powdery mildew
Application: saltpetre; cmi groups; (Alpine) rock and stone gardens; Saker garden; flower cmi beds; drywall; urban gardens; rural informal garden; cemetery; flowerbeds and low borders; possible planting on slopes and slopes; plant for emphasis (fine texture cmi and color); accompanying perennials are: grass, autumn anemones (Anemone hupehensis) and Pupavica (Rudbeckia hirta); attracts bees, birds and butterflies; flower for cut
__________________________________________________________________________________ Sources pictures:
annuals biennial plant perennials bulbs cacti and succulents aquatic plants indoor plants vines and ground covers aromatic herbs honey producing plants Mediterranean plants plants for the rockery plants for container tree lines hedges
Find us on face-in
Hortiholičarski cmi blog is the result of the work of the young gardener hortikulturašica, Mary & Darius. After completing secondary school education in high schools, roads we met at the Zagreb Faculty. He soon began our friendship and after completing a five-year master's cmi degree in Horticulture direction - direction Ornamental plants jointly embarking on the adventure of making this blog. After months of extensive cmi work and research, we have started to work online and disclosures in January 2014. Our desire is to provide opportunities to share knowledge about gardening and horticulture, help tips newly crowned gardeners and hobbyists, and just enjoy the growth with plants and creating shade for future generations ... :)

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