Thursday, January 29, 2015

Before thatcher bites

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Although summer is not as hot as we are used to, it does not mean that we got rid of mosquitoes. Just warm for their reproduction, and this means and their stings thatcher and itching after. writes what exactly happens in our bodies when we are bitten by a mosquito.
Before thatcher bites're sweating, but warmth of your body and carbon dioxide in the breath thatcher as bait for mosquitoes, flies and other bugs. I can smell them from 150 meters. Men releasing more heat and carbon monoxide, however they are hairier and making them some protection from small predators.
During biting insect landed on your skin and examine the territory. The most interesting parts of their next blood vessels. It is possible and you feel a bite, and mosquitoes are the "most insidious". I can penetrate under the skin and release saliva before you suck out their blood. By the time you feel the sting, she (only female mosquitoes bite) are probably already fed.
After a few minutes of your body is identified insect saliva as a foreign invader. Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells rush to the scene to destroy it. It is a process that causes itching and swelling. Do not scratch it because you'll only make it worse.
The next day Each person reacts thatcher differently. If you are lucky, itching is more lenient, although the bite wound may still act on. If you are sensitive, it is possible to wake up with a large swelling. This is probably a sign that you are allergic and that your immune system sent an army of antibodies as a defense. Nasty looks? Yes. Dangerous? Probably not. Can help ice and antihistamine.
After two or three days Chances are that the effects of the bite completely disappear. However, if you experience symptoms such as headaches or nausea, thatcher see your doctor to rule out possible infection or a dangerous thatcher virus.
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They wanted to set fire to his own daughter. Mother screamed "I'll break every bone '
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