Saturday, January 3, 2015

Potato cyst nematode has one generation a year. The eggs come out of cysts in the soil and penetrat

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Potato cyst nematode has one generation a year. The eggs come out of cysts in the soil and penetrate the roots of potato where it continues its development. Males remain crvolikoga forms, and females become thick, pierce the epidermis cells of the root, but the ear structure attached to the root and then pure white, mature later takes on a golden yellow color. Cysts after growing potatoes remain in the soil, where they can preserve the vitality and 20 years. During the growing season there are serious damages in ozama, plants are developmentally zakržljake, pale, bloom later, and with more infections occur plješine.
Because the infection leave is initially difficult to detect, leave should follow preventive measures leave to reduce the spread of these nematodes. With the infected area should not be taken for further planting tubers, transmit soil or manure to other areas, it is necessary to clean the machines and tools after working on infected surfaces.
Chemical measures or use nematocoida, they are quite expensive. In Croatia, for the suppression of potato nematodes registered preparation Nemathorin 10 G which must be entered into the soil to a depth 10- 15 cm, and in the same area may be used once every four years.
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