Saturday, January 31, 2015

- It was all unreal, we could not believe. When I was on vacation in Ibiza noticed bite, I thought

DJEVOJČICU tulips ORDINARY bitten by a mosquito and then appeared black island who discovered the cancer!
Concerned Hayley tulips Williams (25) took the daughter Connie McAughey doctor when the bite wound blackened and swollen. The mother is expected to doctor propusati only antihistamines, tulips but the girl in the hospital on time. The girl was diagnosed with the early phase of acute limboblastične leukemia (ALL).
- It was all unreal, we could not believe. When I was on vacation in Ibiza noticed bite, I thought it was normal. By the next morning when I noticed that the site of the bite blackened. The doctor was great because we were immediately sent to the hospital, and the findings were quickly made. It turned out that the bite blackened due to low immunity. Everything stopped when we heard the words "your daughter has cancer". After we learned the news, we tried to pull himself together and be positive for Connie well. I do not think this will happen to your child. She started losing my hair, but she was brave. I think we have it more difficult to endure. She was very happy, I'm so proud of her - her mother says.
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STORY THAT MAY moved to tears: For those who are married or it may be one day ... NEW US Ambassador to BiH: These are my first impressions and key priorities
Judge gives instructions to the witness: - I warn you to speak only what you see and not what you hear. All right? - All right! - Good. When were you born? - It can not tell you! - How you can say? - Well, I just heard about it, I have not seen ...
- Madam you were wrong - says veterinarian woman who asked him to review - I treat animals, and you need to go to the doctor. - Wrong? When you wake in the morning disheveled I like the chicken, on the way to work hanging on the tram as a monkey on a branch, in the company I work like a mule, my husband says come on kitty evening and the morning yelling get up cow. Are you sure you've made a mistake tulips doctor ?!
Control came a man to a doctor for examination and the doctor asks him: - So, are you all right now? - I did not, but it is better. - Still is good when you have the better - this will doctor. - It would better be good! - Replied the patient.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

One of the ways in which mosquitoes locate wallflower his victim the amount wallflower of carbon di

Arriving with a summer stroll covered with tiny red dots from mosquito bites, only to discover that your friends do not have anywhere near as much bite as you have them. Or to be camping with corroded lower legs, while your colleagues in the tent is almost untouched.
You are not alone. Approximately 20% of people are particularly wallflower delicious mosquitoes and biting them more often than usual. While scientists wallflower to date have no solution mosquito, except repellents (which, as recently discovered, mosquitoes eventually acquired immunity), have numerous ideas, thanks to the fact that some of us would rather bite. Here are some factors that play a role in this:
Not surprisingly, scientists proved that some blood types mosquitoes tastier than others. Blood type 0 is almost double that of blood group A (after all mosquitoes and biting us in order to obtain protein in our blood). People with blood type B are somewhere wallflower in the middle of the spectrum. Typically, on the basis of their genetic structure, about 85% of the people through their skin secrete chemical signals that suggest that blood type have. In 15% of people do not, and mosquitoes are more attracted to those that chemistry excreted from those who do not send a chemical signal, depending on the blood group.
One of the ways in which mosquitoes locate wallflower his victim the amount wallflower of carbon dioxide released through the breath, for what use body called maxillary tentacle, wallflower through which can detect carbon dioxide from a distance of up to 50 meters. As a result, people who emit higher levels of this gas than others, proven attract mosquitoes more than others. This is one reason why children bite less frequently than adults.
In addition to carbon wallflower dioxide, mosquitoes their victims seeking sniffing, at short distances, wallflower lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia and other substances that the body secretes wallflower sweat, and it was noticed that they attract people with higher body temperature. Given that strenuous exercise enhances the secretion of lactic acid and increases body temperature, the greater the likelihood that you will thereby be the target insects. Genetic factors influence wallflower the amount of uric acid and other chemical substances that naturally emits each person, which is why some people mosquitoes simply easier to detect.
Studies indicate that a particular type and amount of bacteria that naturally inhabit human skin affect our attractiveness to mosquitoes. In a study from 2011, researchers found that the presence of large quantities of couple type of bacteria attracts mosquitoes. Surprisingly, when higher amount of bacteria with a plurality of mutually different type, it makes the skin less attractive to mosquitoes. This is the reason why mosquitoes usually bite area ankles and feet - because these are the areas with the largest colonies of bacteria.
Only one small bottle of beer can make you more attractive to mosquitoes, the results of scientific studies. But although researchers wallflower have speculated that this is because while increasing the amount of ethanol in sweat or because after drinking beer increases body temperature, for none of these factors wallflower was not associated with more frequent landings of mosquitoes, which makes their appetite wallflower for beer drinkers in mystery.
In several studies it was found that pregnant women attract twice as many mosquitoes from the rest of the population. This is because wallflower they exhale about 21% more carbon wallflower dioxide, and have an average of 1.26 degrees higher body temperature.
This may sound absurd, but mosquitoes are used vision (together with other senses) to locate people, so you wear visible colors such as red, black or dark blue can make more visible for mosquitoes, at least according to James Day, a medical wallflower entomologist at the University of Florida.
85% estimate that mosquitoes carry about what kind of people they attract, based on genetic factors, whether expressed through the blood group type, metabolism, and more. Unfortunately, (still) do not have the way to modify these genes, but with time ...
Some scientists sought to address the reasons why some people very rarely attract mosquitoes, in the hope that this will help them in creating a new generation of repellents. Using chromatography to isolate certain chemicals that emit these people, scientists from the British Rothamsted Research wallflower Laboratory, found that they naturally secrete a number of substances wallflower that refuse to mosquitoes. Perhaps the incorporation wallflower of these molecules in a future bug spray helped wallflower and those with blood type 0, pregnant women and those in black T-shirts that once and for all rid of mosquitoes.
Previous article amazing creature that looks like a living stone
Lucia Perko
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A couple of years. I'm on the tram, listen to the conversation of two nuns, that children in kindergarten tested and found to have 0 blood group had lice (lice) while others did not have. Otherwise in this vrij

Before thatcher bites

In Focus: The story of the Bosnian Krajina: 'transgressing against sending young men to Syria and that started our hell!' thatcher Looking for oil in Bosnia and Herzegovina: From Herzegovinian stone flowing thatcher bitumen, the first hint of "black gold" - PHOTO Need help: nineteen on the brink of starvation! Vasvija Vidovic of spectacular arrests front of the camera and not so spectacular release injured worker out of danger, huge traffic jams due to the crime scene, which continued this morning workers construction companies in shock: It was horrible, we watched as our colleagues fall from the top of the building!
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Although summer is not as hot as we are used to, it does not mean that we got rid of mosquitoes. Just warm for their reproduction, and this means and their stings thatcher and itching after. writes what exactly happens in our bodies when we are bitten by a mosquito.
Before thatcher bites're sweating, but warmth of your body and carbon dioxide in the breath thatcher as bait for mosquitoes, flies and other bugs. I can smell them from 150 meters. Men releasing more heat and carbon monoxide, however they are hairier and making them some protection from small predators.
During biting insect landed on your skin and examine the territory. The most interesting parts of their next blood vessels. It is possible and you feel a bite, and mosquitoes are the "most insidious". I can penetrate under the skin and release saliva before you suck out their blood. By the time you feel the sting, she (only female mosquitoes bite) are probably already fed.
After a few minutes of your body is identified insect saliva as a foreign invader. Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells rush to the scene to destroy it. It is a process that causes itching and swelling. Do not scratch it because you'll only make it worse.
The next day Each person reacts thatcher differently. If you are lucky, itching is more lenient, although the bite wound may still act on. If you are sensitive, it is possible to wake up with a large swelling. This is probably a sign that you are allergic and that your immune system sent an army of antibodies as a defense. Nasty looks? Yes. Dangerous? Probably not. Can help ice and antihistamine.
After two or three days Chances are that the effects of the bite completely disappear. However, if you experience symptoms such as headaches or nausea, thatcher see your doctor to rule out possible infection or a dangerous thatcher virus.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

He first recorded birch in Europe in 1979 in Albania, where he most likely birch entered the goods

Celebrate Asian tiger mosquito ready - Plant Protection
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He first recorded birch in Europe in 1979 in Albania, where he most likely birch entered the goods from China. 1990 and was entered in Italy, it is assumed in the old car tires, birch and since then spreading birch rapidly through Europe, especially southern. Today this type of spread, not only across Europe but also in all the continents, thanks to its ability to quickly adapt to different environmental conditions. In the area of SE Asia this mosquito is active all year round, but in novozauzetim areas colder climates, adapted in a way that survives cold winters in the egg stage. birch In addition to resistance to temperatures below zero, a tiger mosquito eggs can survive for very long periods of dry, which allows this type of successful transfer to new areas. Aedes albopictus with us is active, depending on climatic conditions, from May to October. In early autumn female mosquito disposed "resistant eggs" that surname. From eggs that survive the winter in the spring will be hatched larvae, but only when conditions are favorable: a lot of moisture, temperature not below + 10 C, and an average of about 13 hours fotoperiodizma (light). During the warm period, when the temperature around 25 C, in standing water, which may be a minimum depth of only a few centimeters, the larva is changing in the pulp tissue, from which, after a period of several weeks to develop mosquito adults. The average life expectancy tiger mosquito is about 3-4 weeks, which spends within a hundred birch meters of spawning. The adults of mosquitoes flying slowly and almost never fly more than one meter. Their way flight does not guarantee great mobility, only in cases when with the help of wind or some sort of transport can cover greater distances, and it is only in rare cases can be found on the upper floors of buildings.
As for the bite, sting only female mosquitoes, because of the maturation of eggs need the protein from human and animal blood, while the males feed exclusively on plant juices. The difference between an ordinary mosquito (Culex pipiens) and the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is the color of the body, which is an ordinary mosquito birch brown, and in the other black with white stripes, and a gnat little bigger than a tiger. Also these two types have different behavior in the choice birch of site for the disposal of eggs. Female common mosquito lays the eggs in groups on large bodies of water (lakes, ponds, swamps), while female tiger mosquito lays the eggs in small clusters of water (stagnant water deposits). The difference is also an ordinary mosquito bite at night, while the tiger active per day, mostly in the late morning or afternoon, and the tiger mosquito has a robust proboscis with which sting, and can sting even through clothing. And another difference is that ordinary mosquitoes buzzing, a tiger does not emit sounds. Female tiger mosquito has no defense mechanism against the cold, and before winter, before you die hatches "resistant" eggs from which the flies hatch a new generation of mosquitoes. Unlike the tiger, common mosquito can survive the winter in a sheltered spot, such as basements and attics. Adult tiger mosquitoes most of the day in the vegetation, where the level of humidity increased, waiting for the passage of a warm-blooded animal or human.
FOVAL mosquitoes and flies is an insecticide in the form of a microemulsion birch which is in the hand spray gun capacity of 750 ml. The product is to use, and all you have to do is activate the sprinkler and insecticide disperse within the area in which there are mosquitoes. Agent is sprayed in the air, on the walls, furniture and similar places where they are located or keep mosquitoes. FOVAL mosquitoes and flies contains a combination of active ingredients that you currently solve these annoying pest, and maintains efficacy over a longer period and thus suppressed and mosquitoes which subsequently landed on the treated surface. birch
FOVAL marking liquid insecticide in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate, which is intended to be diluted with water. Just before use to make a 1-2% solution (10-20 ml / 1 liter of water), and manual or spinal compression sprayer, spray the bushes, hedges, grass, etc. (Thick vegetation where due to increased humidity mosquitoes linger) within your garden, park or courtyard. Spray should be during the day, at a time when mosquitoes are active and hide in such shelters. Of course that spraying should be repeated, usually after 7-15 days, depending on temperature and inbound mosquitoes "on the side".
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Support the Prosecutor

Making selfija leads to narcissism and sociopathy
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Support the Prosecutor's Office, SIPA, and the courts competent in the prosecution of crimes picnic basket against 67 Teočana (PHOTO)
Proboscis looks like a tube, but is actually very "equipped" so that his thin couples the upper and lower jaws allow catches flesh and penetrates below the skin. There are also two parallel tubes, through a saliva going down, while the other mosquito sucks blood.
Most often they are present in the vicinity of water. Females mosquito after fertilization must suck blood because of the construction picnic basket of eggs need protein. Otherwise, both sexes feed on nectar and fruit juices, which do not contain proteins. Mosquitoes are carriers picnic basket of many diseases of which is the most widespread and dangerous malaria.
Unbelievable: See how this woman deftly stole the TV (VIDEO)
Oct 14, 2012

Quiet Orlic - All you continue

Introduction: FCGC> (2x) FCGC> (2x) Nanananananna C One day I met a strange old man Dm G He wanted to sell me a C, plus a halting Komac I saw in my life Komarcine bui many do not pay attention they have legs transition to the chorus: bui e || --- ----------- | H || -1-3-1 -------- | G || ------- 3-2-0-- | D | | -------------- | A || -------------- | E || ------------- - | Chorus: F Usually mosquitoes C-haul and go GA in the meantime and C Someone stab One day I met a strange old man He wanted to sell me, plus a halting Komac I saw in my life Komarcine many do not pay attention they have feet Chorus> (2x): Usually mosquitoes Dolet and go And in the meantime someone and stab So I asked the old man Bas from onis feet What does it matter Yes l mosquito copa And the old man said to me slowly, not staring Don't get noise Any word leaked Chorus> (2x): When the topic expires Do not close Cesme What would otherwise bui wrote a song End = Introduction (Nananana bui part)
Quiet Orlic - All you continue

Monday, January 26, 2015

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EFFECTIVE, A without expensive PREPARATION: 11 ways to alleviate the consequences of mosquito bites
In place of stitches put toli compress or soak in warm water contentious place. It works like ice, but at the same time also opens the pores, fence and toxins that cause itchy easier to 'go'. Works best in conjunction with an antihistamine.
It is recommended that apple cider vinegar. Soak cotton pad with a little vinegar and put on the puncture site. After a few minutes you will feel great relief.
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STORY THAT MAY moved to tears: For those who are married or it may be one day ... NEW fence US Ambassador to BiH: These are my first impressions and key priorities
PUSS dancing belly dance ?! It sounds incredible, but if you look at this video ...
Judge gives instructions to the witness: - I warn you to speak only what you see and not what you hear. All right? - All right! - Good. When were you born? - It can not tell you! - How you can say? - Well, I just heard about it, I have not seen ...
- Madam you were wrong - says veterinarian woman who asked him to review - I treat animals, and you need to go to the doctor. - Wrong? When you wake in the morning disheveled I like the chicken, on the way to work hanging on the tram as a monkey on a branch, in the company I work like a mule, my husband says come on kitty evening and the morning yelling get up cow. Are you sure you've made a mistake doctor ?!
Control came a man to a doctor for examination and the doctor asks him: - So, are you all right now? - I did not, but it is better. - Still is good when you have the better - this will doctor. - It would better fence be good! - Replied the patient.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The development cycle is one of njinteresantnijih things related to mosquitoes. At first it is a ti

Newsflash This has grave richest man in the world, the Saudi king Abdullah took me on notice that it will all change when becoming a mother LAST WILL YOU will see in this world ?! Minutes to Paradise How long day with Allah? Is it better for the deceased slaughter or sacrifice worth quadrupeds share alms? Warning negligent Prophet MEDICINE: WHY IS PROHIBITED BLOWING in hot food or drink? Question: The status of children after divorce What is the evidence that jinn can enter human?
Home News BIH Region World Health Interests Islam Islamic topics History of Islam Faith and Life Woman and Islam Educational stories wise thoughts Our djemats Questions and Answers Life after death Interpreter of Dreams Bosniaks cicadas History Bosniaks Bosniak tradition Bosniak diaspora Bosnian mosque Traditional dishes Politics Economy Job-Interview Vacancies Info -New Horizons Terms of Use
It's just one animal a few millimeters long without reason and consciousness. Allah is one who is endowed with these attributes mosquito. "Allah praises all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Its dominion of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and death. He is almighty. "(Translation meanings El-Hadid 1-2)
Qur'an frequently summons people to investigate nature and to recognize the signs of Allah in it. All the animate and inanimate in the Cosmos is a lot of signs that show the power, knowledge and art of their Creator. One should recognize these characters using their reason cicadas and endlessly praising Allah While all living beings have the signs we have mentioned, some of them the Qur'an specifically mentions. One of them is the mosquito. In the 26th verse of Surah Baqarah he is mentioned in the following way: "God is really not ashamed to as an example of a mosquito or indicate something from him trifling! Those who believe, they know this to be true from their Lord! And those who disbelieve say: What Allah had with this example? Time On many culverts mistaken and many Instruction water. And just hate sinners leave mistaken. "(Translation by E. Karic)
What is commonly understood, when the mosquitoes, it is that they suck blood and to feed it. However, this is not entirely true, because blood does not suck all the gnats but only the females, and even those not suck to nourish it. Both males and females feed on flower nectar and the only reason why females, unlike males suck blood is their need for the proteins found in the blood and to assist in the development of future offspring. In other words, the female mosquito sucking blood just to ensure the continuation of the species. When the extension type (for breeding) a very important role for the hearing cicadas organ in males. cicadas To these he can successfully be noted female Završće these organs have a high sensitivity to the sounds of female. Males normally cicadas mosquitoes fly in group naličeći thereby cicadas to a small cloud. When female flies into this group, the male who fails to catch her mates with her during flight. Male is then passed back to the group and continuing years. From that moment the females need to suck blood because in this way enhances the development of the offspring.
The development cycle is one of njinteresantnijih things related to mosquitoes. At first it is a tiny larva is gradually passing through several cicadas different phases transforms into a mature mosquito. Female summer cicadas and autumn lays eggs on damp leaves or dried-out river beds. Before that she thoroughly examines land using his gentle senses on the lower part of the body. When you find a suitable place, it starts with laying eggs, which are less than one millimeter by placing them in rows. Another type of mosquito jajašcad stick together making such a small raft which can sometimes have up to 300 eggs. Carefully laid eggs, initially white and therefore very noticeable, gradually begins to darken and for two hours becomes completely black. This dark color provides protection by preventing larvae cicadas of other insects and birds to notice them. The incubation period lasts for one winter. Jajašcad have a structure that allows them to survive during the long cold winter and to stay alive until the end of incubation.
When completed the incubation period, the larvae from jajašcadi starting out almost simultaneously. As soon as the first egg is opened, it almost immediately in that accompany cicadas all other jajašcad. After that, all together cicadas larvae start to float on the water surface. During this period, they grow very quickly because all the food. Soon, their skin becomes tight and so they interfere with growth. Then comes the time for the first revision of the foreskin. Old skin smoothly falls. While not attain their full size, the larva will have JOC two changes foreskin.
The larva has a rather interesting way in which it feeds. Specifically, she with her two little sprouts make a small vrtložić in water that bacteria and other mik

Content cherry blossoms by Lydia Mammar

It is possible to control weeds without toxic. To do this, heat water in a container until boiling, then pour a good amount of water on weeds. You can also pour a solution of vinegar, water and salt directly on weeds, and get the same result. So you'll have weeded naturally without any toxic!
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Content cherry blossoms by Lydia Mammar

Friday, January 23, 2015

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

I dcoupe old cartons and I tale between tomato ranks. I hide the box from grass clippings. More wee

Garden design gardening Environment At the Botanical garden ornamental garden In the orchard At the pool the pool the balcony and terrace Diseases and pests Small pets tools and equipment Sprinkler yellow jacket Reports and meetings Parks and Gardens Gardener's Dictionary At home the veranda Recipes Cooking Flower Encyclopedia
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I dcoupe old cartons and I tale between tomato ranks. I hide the box from grass clippings. More weeds, a pleasant and damp soil borrow during the harvest.
I use a lot vinegar, I have a collection of old jugs and often acquires new. For cleaning I use white vinegar as well as to remove funds cullet pans. I soaked days and limestone and cullet leave. As for the garden, it was not long ago, instead yellow jacket of throwing my usag vinegar tastes (which is not bad and even very good all fawn) j 'sprinkles grass growing between my tiles. Radical herbs very quickly turn yellow and wither.
To avoid having weeds in your terrace tiles or alle, combine coarse salt + water tide and pour over your tiles. Or when you cook your vegetables in water sal, sal pour water over your tiles. it works!
You have spoken yellow jacket of buddleia to attract butterflies; While this tree produces abundant nectar that allows butterflies to feed but to breed it needs primarily a plant-hte to nurture his tracks, and this effect it is not Buddleia any interest. However, nettle, bramble, dandelion, willow feed tens of ensuring the survival of larval butterflies to your garden.
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The superweeds Super weeds or superweeds are modified gntiquement herbs. They prolifrent the United States since the introduction of cotton seed and soybean GM factories yellow jacket in ...
Installing a sprinkler system for the garden Mr Collinet capita Marseille: I want to implement in my garden automatic irrigation (drip) to the garden. How does it do? The 3 main constraints ...
Pruning and maintenance berries, rose, ... During this internship, pruning shears in hand, discover and practice sizes fruiting and renewal ...
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Chadrac: weeds Festival | Shale Gas Provence
Organic fair, round tables, workshops, barter seeds and grafts film debates, concerts, restoration and organic and local refreshments, children's area ... The main theme of the festival pocket hose of "Weeds" to be held this weekend in Chadrac will be centered pocket hose around the 50th anniversary of Nature and Progress and topics pocket hose will be rural, the chipping and industrialization of agriculture, free trade treaty between the United States and Europe (TAFTA).
The Weed begin with a rally and a stroll on Saturday at 10 am in front of the city hall of Puy-en-Velay organized by the collective TAFTA (anti Treaty). The actual festival will begin Saturday afternoon at the Home for All Chadrac. Several events will follow one another during the weekend. On Saturday evening, the MPT Shadrach, partner of the festival, will offer a concert with the Collective wind Monastier the "Arm Musical" pocket hose Festival of Brass. This powerful band that revisits the themes trad, Balkan music and a few "hits" of the genre will perform for the first time on stage. Sunday, organic farmers and processors, snacks, pocket hose organic associative actors of the environment, solidarity, alternative health and eco-housing, craftsmen and artists in ecological and ethical approach, independent publishers will meet for animating ... "organic fair." The Weed festival will take on particular importance in this year 2014 celebrates pocket hose 50 years of Nature and Progress pocket hose is born of the challenge pocket hose to industrialized agriculture in 1964. To mark its 50th anniversary, Eliane Anglaret, president of the federation Nature and Progress, accompanied by Pierre Besse, farmer, activist Local Solidarity Partnerships, will be at the TWA Chadrac Sunday afternoon pocket hose for a conference debate on "the future bio".
The program Saturday, November 22 14:30, "The Convergence of Rurals or Rustres" gesticulée conference proposed by Hervé Chaplais. 17 hours, the film and discussion "Mouton 2.0 - Flea in Her Ear" 19 hours, musical aperitif, organic barbecue and concert, Piano bar with Marko. 21 hours, concerts with the Collective wind Monastier and Naouack. Sunday, pocket hose November 23 All day entertainment area with children Méjeanne pocket hose Sauce and the association Young shoots. pocket hose 10:00 to 6:00 p.m., organic fair 10:30 Workshop "engage" proposed by Hérvé Chaplais, Scop the gear. 12 hours show cocktail with Manouche Intervention Brigade. 13:30 film "The Great Transatlantic Market" with Marc-Raoul Jennar discussions with TAFTA collective. 16 hours lecture-discussion 50 years of initiatives for future Bio.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

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Good weed - Paperback - François Couplan - Book - 2015 Sales
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In summary New Edition - Weeds are plants that we have grown accustomed to tear, but that does not mean they are bad, quite the contrary! Among the most common are former vegetables, wrongly forgotten. These ... Read more
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New Edition - Weeds are plants that we have grown accustomed merry go round to tear, but that does not mean they are bad, quite the contrary! Among the most common are former vegetables, wrongly forgotten. These plants grow without the need to cultivate: whether in the garden or on country roads, you just have to stoop to harvest. We know the nettle and dandelion, but we often ignore other plants like burdock or thistle, are proving very tasty when cooked. Before merry go round weeding your garden or vegetable garden, learn to recognize them and try your hand at wild food. Discover a variety of flavors, sometimes tinged with bitterness or otherwise very sweet, through classic or unexpected revenue: égopode gratin, lasagna cutterbar but also stuffed with cheese puffs or Génopode merry go round nituké burdock. What brighten up your plates! Contents: Introduction - 16 common weeds (all necessary information about these plants, tips for gathering and recipes) - 10 weeds to avoid. Bio: François Couplan, ethnobotanist, merry go round Doctor of Science, is the pioneer of the study of edible wild plants in Europe which he began to undertake the comprehensive census here for over forty years. Thousands of people participated in the courses for discovering plants he organized for more than thirty-five years in France, Switzerland, merry go round Belgium and elsewhere. Author of over sixty books on plants and nature, François Couplan also working with top chefs to rediscover forgotten flavors.
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Amazon administrator Africa Arctic Power Association Austerity Banks Biodiversity Brazil Canada Chi

USA: weeds invade arthropods the fields of GMO | District Didot - Porte de Vanves
Several studies have found a link between the production of GMOs and the increasing development of "super weeds" in the United States. Transgenic seed industry denies any responsibility in this phenomenon. After the weeds, "super weeds." US farmers are faced with the proliferation of these plants become resistant to herbicides. Blame the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as some activists and researchers that challenging seed. If this phenomenon of proliferation of ultra-resistant weeds, called "superweeds", is recognized by all, the views differ on its origin. According to a study published in September in Science magazine, "the United States are heading towards a crisis" because "in some parts of the country weeds resistant to the most popular herbicide in the world, glyphosate, now growing in the majority of soybeans, cotton, and corn. " These cultures are 90% based on GMO seeds in the United States. (More ...)
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Recent reviews Marty France: Compensation Elev ... Toto in France: Compensation Elev ... PICAUT on Paris: What does incivility s ... Anonymous on Handling masses ...... straddles the Pacific: a contin

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Because air is essential, smart and cares TEQOYA ionizers DURING THESE Introduces 2015

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Because air is essential, smart and cares TEQOYA ionizers DURING THESE Introduces 2015 The amphibian H films as well exH2o drone in the sky and underwater http : // The French company TEQOYA this smart ionizers during CES 2015 The prototype of "Glass" Sony snaps on normal glasses and makes intelligent AirHop allows users to share their data or Wi-Fi access http: / / Microsoft is now accepting Bitcoins through BitPay rider "Liberate Your Security," a new open platform for strong security hosted in the Cloud, EXHIBITED at CES 2015 "Liberate Your Security!", a platform for strong security hosted in the cloud, at CES 2015, laptop batteries made in scrap used to power homes Fujitsu uses Li-Fi to replace the QR Code. Israel exceeds the NSA with piracy FM, with AirHopper Flying robots to take inventory of your stock in a nod NCR says that the merchants prefer Bitcoin Apple Pay http: / / The Bitcoin could be exempted from VAT, said a Dutch Minister Onecue replaces rider all your remote controls with hand gestures Kairos TBand transforms virtually any watch into a smartwatch and what smartwatch ...! Contributor Google enables Internet browsing without rider advertising for a monthly cost Pantelligent, the pan "smart" cyberguerre Hello. We met during MEDays is my website if you are interested: How to make fun shopping back to the days of hunter-gatherers !!!
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The same density of the tropical forest in the far north of Australia creates a slight difficulty for local environmentalists. The incursions rider of invasive plants threaten native flora, and inaccessibility to people makes it difficult and time-consuming in terms of the area of surveillance. Today, CSIRO researchers have developed two mini helicopters capable of tracking down bad dangerous herbs in flight, which significantly reduces the resources needed to preserve the local flora.
"In the field of biosecurity, effective rider monitoring is essential, and we must be able to detect incursions quickly and accurately," says Dr. Gary Fitt, Scientific Director of the CSIRO Biosafety. "Technologies such as hel

No grass is really bad, many are still very useful, especially nettle! - Prior Weeding: Before cult

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Join the site Rustica to benefit many special services: Receive your newsletter every Thursday with depth content and Interact season on the forum with members of the community Rustica Publish ads discover content related to your interests and garden It's free! Just have a member account. Invalid subscriber number
> Return Items Garden tick landscaping Pets Trees and shrubs Basin Biodiversity Work schedule Decoration Garden Flowers Fruit and orchard tick grasses and ferns Garden Organic Gardening with the Moon Water in weather lesson Garden Vegetables and vegetable ecological house Diseases and parasites tick Massive pots and Tools Garden Lawn Vines Green Plants Recipes Regions and territories of France Health Wellness Terraces and balconies garden tours Rustica TV The plant world Trees and shrubs Vegetables Flowers Fruit and vegetable garden and orchard Green Plants Recipes tick Life Nature Animals Diseases and Organic Garden parasites RusticaMag Deco and beautiful gardens Garden tick landscaping lawns and ornamental gardens Visits From the Ground Water and weather Moon and works Forum Introduce yourself France Map of The vegetable gardeners Indoor Plants Fruit Ornamental Garden, Garden of Accreditation Small spaces and potted aquatic gardens Garden Gardening with the Moon The right moves gardener Your animal friends The garden inspires you recipes DIY garden plants mysteries Wines Local produce Gardens 52 responsible actions and much more ...! Cultivating Biodiversity Ecology diseases, parasites and harmful Forumabrac grandmother Remedies Troc, sales, Gardening trade without ruining the debate: It is debatable From us to you with Services Gardening Weather Advisory Moon Garden Gardening Questions regions Announce Agenda event Ecards Our Partners Our other securities Post an ad for ads Boutique Magazines Binders Garden Kitchen Wellness Home / House Bookstore Directory of garden
Weeds: should enjoy it or get rid of? - F. Boucourt - Rustica - Saint John Frenelles
No grass is really bad, many are still very useful, especially nettle! - Prior Weeding: Before culturing a garden square, it is essential to remove all the herbs in place. In France, no herbicide is currently only used in organic agriculture. Attention to the use of the hoe that leads to "cuttings" perennial weeds by breaking the roots, some of which quickly come to life. It is then impossible to dislodge your vegetables square without tearing them. - Avoid direct competition: let weeds grow in a meadow square in the garden, but they pluck from the garden. Stronger than vegetables, they were quick to invade and-ride, water and soil reserves tick at the expense of your crops.
Besides the annual vegetable loosening practiced tick by many gardeners, this work allows to cultivate land hitherto unused, such as a square or meadow lawn. Treat: tillage tick to a depth of 25-30 cm, that of the tool allows to root out the weeds with their roots, unlike the work of the cultivator who has inconvén

Saturday, January 17, 2015

This entry was posted in News Epicentre September 29, 2014 by Epicentre COWORK. Navigation 26 is

Philippe Catherine gardening exhibited his "puddles" Epicentre throughout the fall. The opening on Friday was an opportunity to learn more about its rehabilitation project weeds.
Philippe Catherine has a project born in strength to observe, idealize and photograph weeds and other corners of unexpected greenery. She dreams of acting to rehabilitate what is commonly called thoughtlessly "weeds". This project is particularly relevant municipal services cities gardening can no longer use what is called very thoughtlessly "pesticides", but it would be better to call herbicides, pesticides or to be even clearer "killers of living organisms ". So the people are unhappy: it's messy, these dandelions on the tarmac of their sidewalk or concrete of their parking. Employees green spaces are very pleased to be stopped for any twig they have not had time to snatch. The tension rises and you have to be a poet or at least green to find his account.
Hence the project reconcile everyone by raising awareness, municipalities and gardeners. gardening To do this, the idea is not a witch; just change the look of these little spontaneous shoots. All in all, are they more nasty, harmful gardening or undesirable that a planting petunias? If everyone put his, would learn to respect them, to bring them out and appreciate poetry conferred these facetious gardening sudden appearances of nature in our cities.
She picked us talk about it Friday night at Epicentre. And we promised to follow the progress of the project and to welcome every time she would have much to tell us or tell us about it.
In the meantime, you can still see his photographs on the walls of Epicentre. The poetry of his dead leaves drift or branches reflecting in the pond water accompanies us throughout the fall. Pictures we will not see presented in beautiful golden frames. Because they are adapted to also abandon the picture rails and go sailing on the water ponds or lagoons, in the heart of them, and thereby play a dialogue with light reflection and water ripples.
A self-taught photographer, Philip Catherine observes the world around her through his lens, for thirty years. His favorite subject since 2007, the plant: this living being that is not noise and requires so for Catherine, we give it to see to give it a voice. "Giving gardening voice to 'weed', is my artwork. It is in a soft and poetic approach to environmental activism to bring the public to have a curious look and caring about the world of small spontaneous vegetation.
This entry was posted in News Epicentre September 29, 2014 by Epicentre COWORK. Navigation 26 is open and weeds! An internship extraordinary
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Friday, January 16, 2015

In 2013, Diana Ubarrechena, food photographer and designer George dobbies Oxley biologist and cook

Weeds are good! | ETHNOBOTANY
06/22/2014 at 07:17 Filed under Radio programs, Europe, food uses of plants and tagged: food, cooking, Diana Ubarrechena, Franck Ballanger Gerard Ducerf George Oxley, weed
In 2013, Diana Ubarrechena, food photographer and designer George dobbies Oxley biologist and cook the foodingues, issued with the botanist Gerard Ducerf, the "Manifesto of the Gourmand Herbes Folles" cook wild plants to do good ed. Toucan, Gourmand Best Books 2013 Figaro, 3 star Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2013 Gastronomades prices of Angouleme, Price Flavour Forest of Books.
Do good tasting wild plants Free is best! We all within reach, dobbies at least at certain times of the year, a real taste and therapeutic treasure, a totally free treasure wild plants. This book wants us to discover or rediscover rather dobbies because man, since he is on earth, is actually much longer fed these "sauvageonnes" than crops. This gourmet Manifesto of weeds is a rich, free and tasty book that its object. To discover the specific plants, the authors present some symbolic appearances of each variety in the history of mankind, and to decrypt its scientific name and his "role" in nature. The book then explains in very simple way, the operation of the active ingredients, the chemical and therapeutic properties dobbies of each species. But this book is the opportunity to deliver many recipes, tasty and original, to tame these wild plants by light cuisine, locavore and full of energy. Finally, we find the listings of all the plants to recognize the field with photographic identification keys and simple signage.
Pages Here I explain what it causes Thereby there ethnobotanical surveys in Europe (and elsewhere) On this side, there are some "places" This way resources are gardens and trails called "ethnobotany (s)" Archives January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October dobbies 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August dobbies 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 Categories Geographic areas Africa North Africa Americas Central America North America South America Asia Europe dobbies Middle East Oceania Middle East Study Areas Agriculture Biology, Chemistry Biotechnology Botany Ecology, Environment, Biodiversity, dobbies Nature Conservation, Sustainability Forest Gardens and Heritage Representations plant Plants dobbies in Art and Architecture Plants dobbies Plants in history and economics dobbies Plants and city landscape concept food uses of plants General Purpose Plant Medicinal Uses of plants religious uses of plants Uncategorized edited Publications News Conferences Past conferences ads symposia of the current year's ads Calls year earlier communications communications Calls During radio Feeds television Job Internship exhibitions dobbies Virtual exhibitions Projections Videos Articles Call for Articles dobbies Books Publications Thematic Reviews unpublished Sound Archive Databases Bibliographies Course documentaries Issues Index Methodology abstracts or unpublished mentions integrals Texts
Africa agriculture urban agriculture agronomy food anthropology ancient arboriculture dobbies archeology architecture art background biodiversity biology botany dobbies Benin Brazil Cameroon chemistry picking dobbies peri-urban space environment ethnobotanical survey ethnology Ethnopharmacology fire flora flower forest France geography history imaginary identity management India linguistic literature vegetable garden Madagascar Medicine Mediterranean Morocco Methodology Nature Park landscape painting heritage food plant herbal pharmacopoeia political nature conservation prehistoric representation social representations Salagon know fa

Thursday, January 15, 2015

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Home Presentation House in the Media Centre Social VMAC ADAJ43 kies adherent Associations ADEF + Activities Children Activities Arts - Crafts Theatre Dance Physical Activities, wellness Knowledge, fun and discovery Music Contemporary Music Artists Residence Practical info
Organic fair, round tables, kies workshops, seed swaps and slips, film debates, concerts, catering and refreshment organic and local area children ... The main theme will be around 50 years of Nature & Progress and topics will be rural, the chipping and industrialization of agriculture, TAFTA (Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Europe), N & P: 50 years of initiatives for future bio, SPG, the future European regulation kies ...
- 10 am in front of the city hall of Puy-en-Velay: Actions "Stop TAFTA *" on the market with the collective Stop TAFTA 43 (rally, towing, skits and ambulation). * Treaty of Free trade between the United States and Europe.
The modernization of agriculture in the name of science and progress has not imposed without resistance. Sheep farming, kies hitherto kies spared beginning to feel the first stirrings kies of a desire for industrialization ... Discussion kies with Stéphane Montigny, sheep farmer in Haute-Loire who refuses chipping. kies
1 / Collective wind Monastier This is the "Arm Musical" Festival which takes place in the same village. Powerful band that revisits the themes trad, Balkan music and a few "hits" of the genre. This training music-de-rue-who-plays-not-the-Pitchouli is an offshoot of the musical spirit of Monastier-sur-Gazeille.
2 / Naouack !! Do not be fooled by appearances. Despite their name, the Naouack do not do anything. One could even say that their musical cocktail is finely thought. These "Aliens" concoct a mixture combining all that is good and shifted in the current music. Whether energetic and ironic kies phrasing of an alternative rap riffs a supercharged rock and frantic rhythms of electro, everything must be in the service of their musical construction that it must be crazy limit. You understand quickly the mixture gives something pretty spectacular suggesting the great potential of the training. Their references range from Svinkels to Lofofora through Maniacx. These three examples clearly define what Naouack can do, both in energy, wacky or accuracy. Mr Red for "A disk Someday"
Organic farmers and processors, kies snacks, organic associative actors of the environment, solidarity, kies alternative health and eco-housing, craftsmen and artists in ecological and ethical approach, independent publishers ... you're invited! We invite you to come and present your products, know-how and what you stand for. More than 40 associations stalls, organic farmers and artisans. All day children's entertainment area with Sauce Méjeanne and associaton Young shoots.
"Engaging" on issues of collective organization internally, mobilization techniques, tools and community education postures that encourage participation.
The Intervention Brigade Manouche do not like being perched on tall scenes. She prefers the proximity of people, notes that blend in conversations, the sound of glasses when a toast. Django and his followers are the directory kies that consists of swingset waltzes.
Eliane Anglaret (President of the Federation Nature & Progress) and Pierre Besse (farmer, activist kies Local Solidarity Partnerships. Co-author of The Organic between business and society project, kies led by Philippe Baqué, Agone Publishing, 2012)
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Recent reviews Thanks buddies | Lab in Azad FESTIVAL BAD SEEDS EDITION 2013 New EP coming soon! | Lab in Azad FESTIVAL BAD SEEDS EDITION 2013 Fred Oukonva Festival in Bad Seeds PONTOISE Alain Edouard Beekeeping Conference in Mattoo in Concert: MO'Kalamity & the wizards matoo in Concert: Zion Train, KL Roots and Dub Hold jl in Dr. FEELGOOD concert Archives Select kies Month December 2014 (1) November 2014 (7) October 2014 (2) September 2014 (3) August 2014 (1) June 2014 (1) May 2014 (5) April 2014 (1) March 2014 (2 ) Févrie

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


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mite > Return Items Garden landscaping Pets Trees and shrubs Basin Biodiversity Work schedule mite Decoration Garden Flowers Fruit and orchard grasses and ferns Garden Organic Gardening mite with the Moon Water in weather lesson Garden Vegetables and vegetable ecological house Diseases mite and parasites Massive pots and Tools Garden Lawn Vines Green Plants Recipes Regions and territories mite of France Health mite Wellness Terraces and balconies garden tours Rustica TV The plant world Trees and shrubs Vegetables Flowers Fruit and vegetable garden and orchard Green Plants Recipes Life Nature Animals Diseases and Organic Garden parasites RusticaMag Deco and beautiful gardens Garden landscaping lawns and ornamental gardens Visits From the Ground mite Water and weather Moon and works Forum Introduce yourself France Map of The vegetable gardeners Indoor Plants Fruit Ornamental Garden, Garden of Accreditation Small spaces and potted aquatic gardens Garden Gardening with the Moon The right moves gardener Your animal friends The garden inspires you recipes DIY garden plants mite mysteries Wines Local produce mite Gardens 52 responsible actions and much more ...! Cultivating Biodiversity Ecology diseases, parasites mite and harmful Forumabrac mite grandmother Remedies Troc, sales, Gardening trade without ruining mite the debate: It is debatable From us to you with Services Gardening Weather Advisory Moon Garden Gardening Questions regions Announce Agenda event Ecards Partners mite Publishing Rustica Ipad Application Our other securities Post an ad for ads Boutique Garden Kitchen Wellness Home / House Bookstore Directory of garden mite
Never let weeds flourish: remove them as soon as possible! Most flowers produce seeds very quickly mite and in great numbers: 30 cm2 of land can accommodate up to 5 000. A large plantain foot releases up to 14,000 alone; a sow twice; Lambsquarters up what seems a record, namely 70,000! mite Keep in mind that one foot chickweed producing several generations in the summer mite may arise 15 million plants ...
The both of them are to work the soil superficially, the first in order to ventilate, to unpack and the second in the elimination especially weeds. In fact, back hoe to weed, and vice versa. When hoeing or weeding Upon arrival of the first thaw, when perennial push or annual weeds begin to germinate. Weeding, provided it is performed early in the season and regularly, is not as tedious as implied. mite A number of gardeners will find great satisfaction ... For best results, practice mite hoeing 48 hours after a rain; then operate once per week. Those who lack the time and patience rather choose to cover the ground. How to weed the bad h

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The drama of Charlie Hebdo How to stop the citizens? Wild deposits: incivility daily to ... Last Gazette of Hoflandt of 2014 Cut ribbon ends and keeps close to ... Mrs. Theo Colborn has died Share this with Charlie Chaplin The Weeds in town ... The duck of Jeanne Why all these crimes against grill animals?
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WHO HAS TIME TO LIFE My words cinemas and other words with the Seniors grill Boulogne ... The blog in Vitry sur Seine, "L ... The Bouquineur The Gay Science Interactive Calouan has the gift of gab lamentable My Life of Sandals 'Empedocles libr ... Hoflandt Nature
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

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Join the site Rustica lindsay mills to benefit many special services: Receive your newsletter every Thursday with depth content and Interact season on the forum with members of the community Rustica Publish ads discover content related to your interests and garden It's free! Just have a member account. Invalid subscriber number
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F. Marre - Rustica - Garden of Hubert Fontaine
With few exceptions, the weeds are not dangerous plants and it would be more correct to denominate the weeds of crops or simply undesirable plants. Many are medicinal (burdock, yarrow, grass-to-gout, plantain), lindsay mills edible (lamb's quarters, dandelion) and contribute to the balance of the auxiliary fauna especially like to forage or shelter in authentic wild plants comforts of home! Where they do not compete with your vegetables or flowers, why not tolerate?
Always stronger than the cultivated plants, wild plants lindsay mills grow faster. Accustomed to harsh conditions in the wild, they settle in soils with delight as you prepare carefully! It is especially where you need to focus your attention and methods are numerous: planting lindsay mills false to deceive, weeding and mulching to dislodge them to encourage them to go elsewhere, for example in the garden in a wilder area dedicated biodiversity and benefit the natural balance of your space. A place for everyone at home! Only the coldest months significantly slow down the ardor of weeds wild plants that grow throughout the year. In late winter, from the first thaw,

All cardamines have a much stronger taste of watercress. The cardamine meadow is part wild herbs

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passion flower Join the site Rustica to benefit many special services: Receive your newsletter every Thursday with depth content and Interact season on the forum with members of the community Rustica Publish ads discover content related to your interests and garden It's free! Just have a member account. passion flower Invalid subscriber passion flower number
> Return Items Garden landscaping Pets Trees and shrubs Basin Biodiversity Work schedule Decoration Garden Flowers Fruit and orchard grasses and ferns Garden Organic Gardening with the Moon Water in weather lesson Garden Vegetables and vegetable ecological house Diseases and parasites Massive pots and Tools Garden Lawn Vines Green Plants Recipes passion flower Regions and territories of France Health Wellness Terraces and balconies garden passion flower tours Rustica TV The plant world Trees and shrubs Vegetables Flowers Fruit and vegetable garden and orchard Green Plants Recipes Life Nature Animals Diseases and Organic Garden parasites RusticaMag Deco and beautiful gardens Garden landscaping lawns and ornamental gardens Visits From the Ground passion flower Water and weather Moon and works Forum Introduce yourself France Map of The vegetable passion flower gardeners Indoor Plants Fruit Ornamental Garden, Garden of Accreditation Small spaces and potted aquatic gardens Garden Gardening with the Moon The right moves gardener Your animal friends The garden inspires you recipes DIY garden plants mysteries Wines Local produce Gardens 52 responsible actions and much more ...! Cultivating Biodiversity Ecology diseases, parasites and harmful Forumabrac grandmother Remedies Troc, sales, Gardening trade without ruining the debate: It is debatable From us to you with Services Gardening Weather Advisory Moon Garden Gardening Questions regions Announce Agenda event Ecards Ipad Application Partners Our other securities Post an ad for ads Shop Bookstore Directory of garden
Gardener responsible and loving nature, you do not use weed killer in your garden and Eradicate manually undesirable? Take the opportunity to put some on your plate and enjoy the flavors!
Limit simply weeds so they do not compete flowers and vegetables. Pull plants that are not useful and those that are really plagues, gaining ground too easily. To turn this chore into play, find some sauvageonnes an aesthetic function and if they are not troublesome, let them live. Know those culinary virtues primrose, passion flower doucette, nettle, yarrow, ground ivy ... Reap the cardamines daisies and dandelions. Provide yourself with a trowel and a knife weeder type gouge asparagus, dig out accurately and taproots.
Bellis perennis is a perennial with leaves form small rosettes along the ground. Mix the young leaves daisies, crisp and tender, to salads. passion flower Flowers decorate passion flower the dishes, and buttons confisent in vinegar like capers. Read also: Transplanting Seedlings of daisy daisy daisy Planter
All cardamines have a much stronger taste of watercress. The cardamine meadow is part wild herbs q

Monday, January 12, 2015

Alabama, Palmer minecraft seed amaranth, a large bushy plant that grows quickly and produces millio

The American Academy of Sciences organized a summit on May 10 on genetically modified plants resistant to herbicides. A crisis meeting. US farmers feel they have been cheated by seed who told them that with GM herbicide minecraft seed resistant they would never problems with weeds. All they had to spray glyphosate - a molecule created by Monsanto now in the public domain - to be quiet. minecraft seed One pass was needed to destroy everything except the cultures with a resistance gene. Farmers have benefited from this system at the beginning: yields were better, work time and reduced costs. Today, they are disillusioned.
Weeds also become resistant to Roundup, they multiply quickly and invade minecraft seed soybeans, minecraft seed corn, cotton and canola. Nearly 8 million hectares are already infested. "With herbicides, it happens the same as with antibiotics. To use them too often and consistently, they lose their effectiveness because the plants develop resistance, "says Xavier Reboud, INRA Dijon. The current crisis minecraft seed does not surprise him; he waited even earlier. GM blew glyphosate consumption: it went in the cornfields of 1.8 million tonnes in 2000 to 30 million tonnes last year.
Each year, new wild plants develop resistance. Their defense minecraft seed mechanisms are effective and, once selected, they are sent to their numerous offspring. The international organization responsible for their control (ISHRW) has already identified 23 resistant wild species. "But that figure understates the problem because minecraft seed it takes into account only the resistant plants at a dose four times the commonly applied said Bill Freese, the US Food Safety Center, in an interview with The Scientist. Many other weeds tolerate lower doses of glyphosate and it is they who have a big impact in crops. "There would in fact over 380, according to Harold Coble, US Department of Agriculture.
Alabama, Palmer minecraft seed amaranth, a large bushy plant that grows quickly and produces millions of tiny seeds, minecraft seed infests 80% of GM cotton fields and 61% of GMO soybeans. The damage is estimated to farmers in all to $ 82 million.
To cope with the situation, industrial planning to involve other herbicides, increasing pollution, minecraft seed and add a new resistance gene in crop plants. "They abuse people by saying that it is a solution. The plants will become resistant to both herbicides, "said Henri Darmency, INRA Dijon, who participated in the collective expertise on the subject published minecraft seed by INRA in November 2011." In the mixtures, the doses are less large, which increases the risk of development of resistance. It is a flight forward, "added Xavier Reboud. Meanwhile, Monsanto offers free farmers a second herbicide. The use of the same herbicide on huge surfaces as is the case with glyphosate in the US, South America or Australia can have serious consequences, such as abuse of antibiotics. "The sensitivity of herbicides in plants is common property and industrial agriculture is destroying it, said Xavier Reboud. We go to the wall.
Alternatives to GMOs are already minecraft seed popular. Combine harvesters able to sort except for weed seeds and grind them are tested in Australia. The weed control will surely require more work. "The GM herbicide resistant brought so much comfort to US farmers that they are not ready to give up," says the researcher.
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015, two assassins felled eight journalists coolly Charlie Hebdo, two others and two policemen. The terror and solidarity seized the country. Here are our reports and testimonies, a look of friendship and ecology of this drama. Sunday walk: a great collective minecraft seed intelligence
Sunday we were ants. Driven by a collective intelligence and the desire to unite with others to body. "To prevent the risk of the warrior logic earth citizenship"
The shock of January 7 and Sunday's rallies mark a turning point, thought-provoking. Louse