Friday, June 6, 2014

Tiger always goes forward, despise things down, hierarchical and conservative jasmine black people.

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The tiger is roaring, uncontrolled temper, quick-tempered, but attracts people with its magnetism. Sassy loves to take risks, but this often leads to disaster. Therefore, their partners would do well if they deter more often, which is not easy. Valuable quality of the Tigers is their hatred to routine conservative, jasmine black they do not respect the hierarchy, superiors ignored boldly move forward. Such tests are involved revolutionaries, adventurers, they can be large or bosses or big criminals, subject to conditions. Man of action, Tiger often has exclusive destiny, dotted with many experiences, ups and downs. Too ardent jasmine black in love, they are rarely happy in it. Tiger's jasmine black wife often embarks on adventures that end badly.
Tiger was undisciplined and has a violent temper. Always opposed to those which were over it. Those born in the Year of the Tiger are often revolutionaries and leaders. Unfortunately, not always trustworthy that they are given. When you shout "Next" should not be believed that they themselves will go. Tiger can bring others to crash his taste for risk leads to recklessness and unconscious actions.
It is difficult to resist the magnetism of the Tigers. jasmine black No one dares to tell them the truth. Even when they try to remove them they are treated with respect and reverence. If reflected for Tiger before acting jasmine black can reach great success. Fighter by nature, sharp he is able to sacrifice for the sake of a cause. Stubborn and fussy Tiger is always in conflict with someone. Sometimes selfish in terms of little things, the tiger is capable of selflessness in the big things. Do not trust anyone.
Tiger always goes forward, despise things down, hierarchical and conservative jasmine black people. Of those born in the Year of the Tiger are voennachalnitsi, managers and even dangerous criminals. This also applies to women born in the Year of the Tiger, who are always ready to fight for any rights. jasmine black
Tiger sensitive, emotional and prone to deep meditation and intense love. Although they are very passionate, they are rarely happy in love. Tiger women often get involved in amorous adventures that often end badly for them.
Those born in the Year of the Tiger can link their lives with those born in the years of horse and dragon. Should avoid born in the year of the snake and monkey. Happily jasmine black connect jasmine black their lives with honor Knight, Dragon, which gives it strength and intelligence, with a dog that will always be to him. Should be avoided wise snake that just will not understand, and too clever monkey. There is a relentless struggle for supremacy between Tiger and Buffalo, the latter is stronger and more stubborn and therefore more chances to win. Does not lead to good and coexistence with the Rabbit.
Those born in the Year of the Tiger people are lucky. Asian tiger nations jasmine black is a great character, embodying the power of the land and the protection of human life. Even have a saying - tiger home away from three miseries - thieves, fire and impostor. But if the home has two tigers, one must disappear!
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