Wednesday, June 18, 2014

2 - The old roll of the limitations of man against nature: pvz the fjord and you, the pulpit that a

Stavanger?? What is in Norway? The first thing that comes to mind is a new Scandinavian black metal band (they, the North, ever so little media lovers terms: metal or do or put on Abba plan, or are sane to overeat or are as a goat). When you learn that Stavanger pvz is the third largest city in Norway after Oslo and Bergen, and Vueling just opened a route to this city that nobody seems to know anything ask yourself what can you take someone pvz to fly to Stavanger and planted a days in the country of common pvz sense. We respond to this question with 30 reasons to fly to Stavanger, although the first-the gorgeous Preikestolen pulpit from whose summit can change, even a little, your perspective of the world, would be sufficient pvz reason for planting in Stavanger and understand pvz everything , to you, to the world, to others, a little better.
1 - That's pvz it. The Preikestolen, considered one of the most spectacular places in the world, is a beautiful cliff 700 meters high located on top of a fjord, whose rise to face us on a hike through a spectacular rocky landscape about two hours, at that we feel very small moments, other gigantic, ever, and that is important from the point of existential view of our true size. There will be ourselves and nature, on top of a Norwegian fjord, willing to see spend our lives to Proust's madeleine while trying this introspective exercise is not hindered by any of the many tourists pvz who pass through it fitted as if they would climbing the Himalayas.
2 - The old roll of the limitations of man against nature: pvz the fjord and you, the pulpit that awaits you at the top, the magnificent scenery that you're dying to feel yet fears, always there by your side : dizziness, fatigue, pain. Your ability to overcome (or not) is always learning. And if you know you see it (and feel it) come back down being a little else.
3 - That metamorphosis may have an expiration date. When you bring up a few Hansa Pilsener beer brewed pvz in Bergen Norwegians consume like water, you may again feel yourself again. Another option is the Mack brewery, which occurs in Lapland and is the northern most popular beer in the world, among the Norwegians. However, craft brewing, in Spain begins timidly to be trend but in northern Europe is a fully consolidated habit will allow us to try craft beers of all types if we are advised by a waitstaff that in general: a / know of beers a while b / speak perfect English.
4 - Getting the pulpit is an experience in itself: a cruise of two hours inside the Lysefjord is that it will lead us to the gates of paradise. The cruise, bucolic as they come, can be assumed, however, pvz some freak moment that helps humanize pvz Norwegian our eyes: a stop in the middle of nowhere with the aim that a young member of the crew of apee boat and climb up the mountain to the expectant gaze of passengers to feed a goat.
6 - The Petroleum Museum (Norsk Oljemuseum). Stavanger was already a thriving city back in 1969, when oil was discovered in the North Sea, but since then it is even more. A visit to the Petroleum Museum, seaside, keep us informed vicissitudes of oil in the region and how almost left without their black gold because they were about to leave the matter in the hands of a clever Americans.
7 - Facing the Oil Museum in the port, there is a nice playground with huge rubber balls suitable for the enjoyment of young and old. The ideal place to stop and see how those jueguetean pvz Norwegian children age six are equally high place you infinitely more civilized than it going to be you, your family and friends together for the rest of your lives.
8 - The Science Museum (Vitenfabrikken) in neighboring and equally picturesque Sandness is another perfect place to go with family and to perform activities such as moving balls with the mind instead. Children will not want to leave there.
9 - Walking around Stavanger is literally entering another world, so different from the Mediterranean cities. Their small wooden houses, symmetrical, with flowers in the windows, cobblestone pvz streets and that magical feeling that nothing happens will envy us from deep and probably find that in our case there is no turning back: we would like them to be Dad covered live by the welfare state in a heavenly place where it seems that nothing ever happens, and we strongly hated to give

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