Friday, June 13, 2014

Griffin - polulav-poluorel - is a symbol lesco of war and enmity. Winners of this sign often suffer

Most disgusting traits you in 2014, according to the Egyptian zodiak.Vizhte who they are - not political - electronic edition
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| Posted on 18.12.2013
Centaur is half man, half - horse. Therefore in people born under this sign often do not know what they want. Are capricious and sometimes is quite difficult to restrain 'atrocious' emotions like anger, jealousy, lust, fear. Frequently change attitudes and opinions.
Woman with large bird wings and sharp claws in Greek mythology is a symbol of death. Of "born harpies" lesco is very difficult to forgive insults, they are very unforgiving and can be harbored for years in his soul resentment and hatred. Are able to fall into severe depression.
Like the winged horse from legend holder of the sign worn over mortals who despise slightly. Those born under the sign of Pegasus feature lesco lush black pride and envy. Small are convinced that they deserve the best life that have received someone's fault. They avoid to solve domestic problems, but many like to command. TV love are very jealous.
Three-headed dog with a horrible barking in ancient mythology guarded the door to the kingdom of the dead. Those born under this sign are characterized by irritability that others take for zlobnost. And coincidentally - cereberus able to pounce with his fists on the man who pleases him. Sometimes primal instinct plays a practical joke.
Among men satires often found shameless womanizer easy enchanting and also easily breaking female hearts. Women do not drop conscience ruin foreign families to get their man like a lover. These people do not mess around when the haters make it all the way until revenge.
In Greek mythology, the merfolk are sea nymphs who by their sweet voices lured sailors unhappy with him on the island. Approaching the island, sailors encounter rocks and drowning. So among those born under this sign many use charm to get their hands on a job. Women merfolk fatal seductive, love to pretend to be helpless and turn men as they please.
Griffin - polulav-poluorel - is a symbol lesco of war and enmity. Winners of this sign often suffer from intolerance and fanaticism. They can last breath to adhere to any principles / often quite meaningless / so all disagree with griffins, become their most vicious enemies. Once that is born under this sign witch hunt organized and led the Inquisition.
Chimera is a mythical creature with properties suddenly appears out of the air and disappears into it. Winners of this sign are characterized by heightened perception, but this makes them difficult, lesco bogus. Chimeras are susceptible to depression, ill adapted to real life and often exist in its own parallel world.
Cold, calculating and cunning sphinx lesco constantly striving to rise above others. Another feature is its economy, which leads to parsimony. The winner of this sign enjoys every opportunity to save something, even if it needs money. His love of money often turns into a real obsession and turns it into a miser, if you do not stop this country.
As in the centaur, minotaur in - creature with the head of a bull - dominate reflexes and animal traits. And most primal instinct. But unlike its sibling, half horse, and the Minotaur is highly dependent on foreign judgments. The hardest thing for him is to live for yourself, not care what they think and say others. Because public opinion and cheap popularity, he is able long to be stubborn and stretched with horns.
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