Monday, June 9, 2014

Salmon - August 5 to September 1. Committed is Mercury. Creative prone to create beautiful have wor

So born from January 21 to February 17 are subject to Uranus and have the wisdom. They are Cranes - have an incredible mind and are capable of great things. These are spiritual have people who are best understood with Bee and Swan.
Seal - from February 18 to March 17. Patron planet is Neptune. This is a person who sympathizes with anyone. It can be adapted to any situation. Artistic and emotional svrahintuitiven dreamer and romantic. The best course of Otter and Goose.
Bear - March 18 to April 14. These people are subject to Mars. This planet fills them with courage and desire for adventure and conquer. They are ready to win at all costs, sometimes become aggressive. They get along best with Cat and Owl.
Snake - April 15 -12 May Is subordinate to the moon. Exceptional creativity and flexibility in critical situations. Such people often become healers and magicians. Their family is the highest thing in the world for them. Best get along with deer and salmon.
Bee - May 13 to June 9 The bee is a generator of new ideas, it is fascinating and able to cope with any challenge izprechilo on its way, as it is a workaholic. have It is subject to the planet Vulcan, which is believed to have been consumed ever since our Sun. Of course best with Crane and Swan.
Otter - June 10 to July 7 Otter is subject to Jupiter. There is a strong intuition, it is hard to be cheated. Easily finds a common language with everyone. Fond of traveling have and changes. Ready to help anyone in trouble. Of course beautifully with Goose and seals.
Cat - July 8 to August 4. The cat is subject to the planet Earth. She is loyal and devoted to his closest people. She is honest and hard, hard to trust even friends. Sensual and mysterious. Harmonious relationship with her bear and owl.
Salmon - August 5 to September 1. Committed is Mercury. Creative prone to create beautiful have works of art. Careful observer and analyst perfect. Of course a great snake and deer.
Swan - September 2 to September 29. Swan is a good and gentle, sensitive and responsive. Committed have to Venus and happy when he loves and is loved. No love for him, life is not complete. Best understood with Crane and Bee.
Goose - September 30 to October 27. Committed is our companion Moon. Witty, funny, creative people that always hides surprises for their partners. Artistic nature, which is practical and likes to save for a rainy day. Of course best with Seal and Otter.
Owl - October 28 to November 24. The planet, which shall patronize is Pluto. The owl is relaxed, with a powerful intellect, which helps her to get out of difficult situations. They tend to retreat, but always in the spotlight. Best understood with Cat and Bear.
Raven - November 25 to December 23. Patron of Saturn. have Its main feature is that it seeks to become a winner in any situation. Extremely productive and powerful potential that occurs in various have fields. Best understood with seals and salmon.
Ellen - December 24 to January 20. Are patronized have by the sun. These are honest, proud and independent have people. They take good care of yourself, so always attract attention wherever have they appear. Love long journeys. They get along great with Salmon and Snake.

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