Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Research rockets / Sounding rockets husqvarna / used for data collection with flights into suborbit

Authors: Krumova - UCTM, Sofia; Club Aero Space Technology "Zodiac", Kyustendil
Christopher Skandaliev - as "Zodiac", Kyustendil
Described is a study of the possibilities of flight trajectory tracking and locating ground already landed experimental research rockets by conventional GPS devices generally used for fleet management and tracking and condition of road vehicles.
Research rockets / Sounding rockets husqvarna / used for data collection with flights into suborbital space, where weather balloons can not reach - mainly in the area 40-200 km above sea level. [1]
Their flights receive husqvarna timely information about air pollution, natural disasters, climate change, UV radiation, and many other data often associated with advanced systems of the missiles themselves.
For this purpose, the practice is increasingly require onboard GPS devices that record or transmit telemetry data during flight and accurately determine the location of the rocket [2].
Around the world have developed specialized precision systems of this type, but their mass use is limited husqvarna by the high cost and some specific restrictions associated with their use [2].
As an alternative way to trakirane missile was tested method for USE standard GPS devices for fleet management and tracking of road vehicles, commonly used in households and with a significantly lower price.
Considered a test of three types of GPS devices to collect flight data and localization of experimental rockets landed conducted by the Aero Club for Space Technology "Zodiac" in Kyustendil. The club is associated with the study and characterization of amateur rocket systems that are used for civil and scientific and research purposes [3].
Initially it was ground test series with the three trackers husqvarna from a standard installation in a car and a bicycle, and walking to collect data on the movement - trajectory, speed and altitude.
Localization of moving objects husqvarna in real time is through web-based system offered by the service provider that uses telemetry to collect data and provide it in a locked account type of the user. Thus, access to information is possible from anywhere with Internet access at any time of the day [4].
After ground samples were made subsequent successful attempts to collect flight information using trackers uploaded to paragliders, as an intermediate step before the actual study in real rocket flights.
The various flights were experimented several orientation trackers GPS antennas from the ground in order to determine how it affects the accuracy of the data.
On 05.09.2013g. was made first test flight of an experimental rocket "BOLIDE -14" fitted with three types of GPS trackers on board, as well as specialized board computer G - Wiz HCX -50 to record flight parameters and control husqvarna rescue system [5].
The trajectory of the missile flight was tracked by GPS system husqvarna trakirane husqvarna over the Internet on the screen husqvarna of a laptop computer on the starting position. husqvarna Moving markers trackers in real time visual tracking coincided with the flying rocket equipped with smoke tracer. The landing was eastbound with reported distance from the start to the point of landing 800 meters.
A review of the parameters submitted by the three GPS devices, showed very specific flight path, but a significant discrepancy in data speed and altitude, both among themselves and in relation to those of the onboard husqvarna computer.
On 29.09.2013g. was implemented new flight experimental rocket "GRP" and two trackers installed husqvarna in it - FM 1100 AT -1. The flight was a ballistic trajectory and landing rocket was normal. It was found immediately on 1250 m. from the start to the northeast, thanks to GP

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