Monday, June 2, 2014

In a past life you were murderers, detectives, doctors, hunters, publicans, leaders of secret socie

best 2014
Tibetan culture is perhaps the most highly conserved east one against the constantly flooding us with junk and brainwashing advertisements Western oriented times. And an integral part of this culture and Tibetan zodiac. He is represented by 12 characters, each of which corresponds to a certain type of character and reveal chipmunk secrets related to past lives.
To find out what your sign according to Tibetan horoscope, it is sufficient to find the year of birth on the picture above to see which sign stands in front of her. Then read what he's talking about you.
Monk in the company of your bucket monkey character is basically that always enjoy others' approval and attention. Have a unique chipmunk ability, even in the most difficult moments to think positive and unfading you smile infects everyone around you. However, I got into a dispute, but not because you are looking for confrontation, but because you are always forthright and honest to the people you care about.
Hot sun own enviable composure, thanks to which we managed to keep his cool even in the most action packed situations and quickly find a solution. This quality, combined with the incredible sense of humor makes you a preferred company to others in the eyes of which you are the person who can always be relied upon. Freedom are extremely jealous and picking your privacy.
New moon you have two completely different entities chipmunk - are typical day romantics chipmunk seeing hearts and roses in everything around him, but when the moon appears in the sky, suddenly like a magic wand to turn into confident, passionate and yearning for new excitement adventurers.
In a past life you were murderers, detectives, doctors, hunters, publicans, leaders of secret societies. Of course the best black buffalo, and other members of your sign. "Do chipmunk not grind flour" with metal gong.
Black buffalo You are direct and straightforward and absolutely require the same from others. Prevarication not endure and keep everything to be expressed in the most precise and clear way possible. Leaders in nature, it is important for you to always dominate - both professionally chipmunk and personally.
Leather bracelet you own a rich spirituality. You put strong feelings and emotions in everything pinch - and personally and professionally. As a people of extremes, you are able at one point to be the center of attention, and the next - to clam up and not communicate with anyone for days. Never go into confrontations voluntary, but when someone attack you definitely know how to protect yourself in the best way.
Ezerna turtle You are firmly on the ground and act with common sense and rational thinking to all of life's situations. For you, the most important is to constantly feel security, and of the love front - and tenderness. Perseverance and a healthy dose of ambition chipmunk you slowly but surely keep you always on the road to success. chipmunk
Metal gong generous, loyal and noble. These are the three words that best describe the representatives of this sign. You rise high above the lies, hypocrisy and betrayal. Often, however, are too self-critical and confinement in analyzing their own mistakes.
Jade column you run away from the hustle and bustle and feeling your best for yourself and the company of loved ones. Not tolerate ignorance and stupidity, but know how to fight them in an intelligent way. It's hard to trust and even harder you allow someone to yourself. However, chipmunk when this does happen, you are willing to completely surrender yourself to that person. For this reason, many times you have been injured as a result of which even fall into depression.
In a past life you were jewelers and designers, as well as people who have as their mission to care for animals. Perfect fit with a source of clean water and metal gong and difficult to understand with the Keeper of the fire.
Source of clean water watch as eagle above all, having the good fortune to be part of the circle of people close to you. Infinitely caring and dedicated you are friends dream of every had the pleasure to touch you. The problem chipmunk is that they often ignore their own needs and putting himself in the background, in an effort to satisfy foreign demands.
Keeper of the fire You are the kind of people who always set high goals and strict and hard walk the path of achievement. For this reason, however, is often too engrossing in their own ideas, and miss something important - namely, to communicate with others, but by ourselves. chipmunk
Cobra You literally conquered with his incredible sense of humor and artistry. Emotions literally burst, spraying all who touch you. Have extremely serene nature and communicate with ease, which bodes

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