Saturday, June 21, 2014

According to aviation experts, the Boeing 777-200 aircraft models like the missing data can be sent

6:45 PM ET
(CNN) - The Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared on Saturday somewhere in Southeast Asia. Authorities do not know where the plane or what happened. Here are answers to some common questions about this puzzling disappearance:
At this point, it could be anywhere. The search area is now 90,000 square miles, including parts of the Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea, the Strait of Malacca and the Andaman Sea. If true the Wall Street Journal report that the plane flew several hours after losing contact, could be hundreds or even thousands of square kara hayward kilometers: an area from India to Australia. If that is the case, only the best of luck could help to find the plane. "It is simply a very large area to search even contemplate," said Tom Foreman, CNN Thursday.
It is possible, but there is no certainty. While the stories of the Malaysian authorities have sometimes confusing kara hayward and sometimes contradictory results, authorities said Wednesday that the radar detected an unidentified aircraft flying over the Malay Peninsula and the Straits of Malacca to the Saturday night. That is hundreds of miles from the flight path of the plane heading to Beijing.
However, officials kara hayward warned that there were certain that they had detected the signal was coming from the Malaysian Airlines flight 370. On Tuesday, another Malaysian official said there was no evidence that the plane had returned. On Thursday morning (during Wednesday afternoon in Mexico), China announced kara hayward that one of its satellites had detected "a potential impact zone in the sea" and three "possible floating objects" of up to 24 meters long.
It is a radio transmitter located in the cockpit and which works in conjunction with a ground radar. When you receive a radar signal, it responds kara hayward with a code that indicates the position of the aircraft, its altitude and communication code. Air traffic controllers use the signals to determine the speed and direction of a plane. kara hayward
That's kara hayward one of the many million dollar questions. The transponder is located between the pilots and can be disabled with a wave of hand, but the former captain Mark Weiss airline said that as the transponder provides vital information-and hence protection-it is highly unlikely that a pilot it off. Without recorder and cockpit voice recorder kara hayward flight data, it is difficult to know who was in the cabin and what exactly happened, Weiss said. Experts have conflicting opinions: one says that the circumstances indicate that someone-maybe a kidnapper caused the plane change kara hayward course, while another says that a catastrophic power failure could explain the anomalies.
A search teams would love to get it. The device, known as flight data recorder would have details about what happened in the cockpit before the plane disappeared and all kinds of technical kara hayward information of the aircraft and its performance. The problem is that these devices do not transmit their position in a large area, said Bill Nye the science educator. Then just before teams can narrow your search area, the device will not help solve the mystery.
According to aviation experts, the Boeing 777-200 aircraft models like the missing data can be sent every two days. Air System Communications and Reporting System (ACARS, kara hayward by its acronym in English), you can send blocks of information, from text messages to motor data. And a new positioning system called AVS-B can send information automatic positioning. Flight 370 was equipped with that system as science writer Jeff Wise, who writes about aviation. kara hayward According to the Malaysian authorities, nothing on the plane aired from 1:07 am Saturday.
YES. Malaysian authorities say that there is nothing to report, and a source of aviation with great knowledge of the subject told CNN's Richard kara hayward Quest that the newspaper report is wrong. The source told Quest that the plane was not sending data engine, as the newspaper reported.
A theory that the U.S. authorities are considering, according to the Wall Street Journal, kara hayward is that someone could take the plane to be used later for other purposes. So it is theoretically possible that the plane could have landed there in some remote airstrip where it can be hidden. But there are big holes in that theory. The 777 is a big plane. Requires at least nearly a mile to land. And, Quest says, must be the account that the matter should land somewhere without triggering alarm. "You can not fly a 777 and not a trace on a rad

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