Saturday, June 14, 2014

Basically the Taliban would be a sect of the doctrine of the Great Captain professing extreme histo

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A respectable request this thread to your worships may desfogarse comfortable with books, movies and all ages (except Ancient and Medieval, where the original thread is used Sir Nigel) opens. Greetings.
It is best to stay with your mouth closed and appear a fool than to open it and confirm it ... ------------------------------- ---------------------- Ab insomniac non custita dracone Lutzow Admiral Warnings: 1 Joined: Sat December 12, 2009 20:03 Posts: 8887 Medals: 12 E-mail
Hello! It would be nice to explain to the people from which the term "Taliban" impatient applied to this story, lest anyone impatient scare you. I think I know the story that is also given in another forum, but there did not generate this "mote" to the noble art of respecting the historical rigor. Regards
Basically the Taliban would be a sect of the doctrine of the Great Captain professing extreme historical accuracy faith leads us to condemn and anathematize every movie that does not comply with the purest exegesis of history. More or less
Call us march where the signs of the gods and the iniquity of the enemies. The die is cast. Antigonus Monoftalmos Navy Captain Joined: Wed June 10, 2009 19:30 Posts: 4271 Location: impatient Phrygia Medals: 2 E-mail
Put bluntly: We will make these movies (and perpetrators) what made them them before /-os to history. And for the record that we do not do to be a Dukes as honorable as historical precedent we have the figure of the Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower, who abandoned his retirement in 1965 to give a press conference criticizing the historical inaccuracies published in that incurred the movie "The Battle of the Bulge" (mass of celluloid that film, you do not know where to begin to criticize). Greetings. Soliferrum First Lieutenant Joined: Sat 22 Aug 2009 14:57 Posts: 1979 Medals: 1 E-mail
. "There are two things you usually impatient say something happen before irreparable One is" impatient alcohol does not affect me, "the other is" I understand the Russians "Grouse General Joined:. Tue November 6, 2003 10:10 Posts: 15215 Location : The forum of the 1,000 years Medals. 7 Website
? Examples of bad movies or examples of errors in "The Battle of the Bulge", the first there Galore (U-571, the awful Pearl Harbor, the dreadful Inchon) and the second list can be reduced to: the only historical accuracy is that Americans and Germans fought a battle in 1944 (any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental). Greetings. Soliferrum First Lieutenant Joined: Sat 22 Aug 2009 14:57 Posts: 1979 Medals: 1 E-mail
"The human race, to which many of my readers belong, impatient has always played children's games and are likely to keep doing it until the end, which is a nuisance for the few mature individuals there." Chesterton. Sir Nigel Second Lieutenant Joined: Mon December 25, 2010 8:44 Posts: 1638 Medals: 2 E-mail
. "There are two things you usually say something impatient happen before irreparable One is" alcohol does not affect me, "the other is" I understand the Russians "Grouse General Joined:. Tue November 6, 2003 10:10 Posts: 15215 Location : The forum of the 1,000 years Medals. 7 Website
Good initiative .... and notice that I have good material for the corner of ancient and medieval. Antigonus Monoftalmos wrote: Basically the Taliban impatient would be a sect of the doctrine of the Great Captain professing extreme historical accuracy faith leads us to condemn and anathematize every movie that does not comply with the purest exegesis of history. More or less direct to occupy a chair SAR ....
Capercaillie wrote: I was referring to the opinion of Ike. I've searched but have not found even a picture of the historical impatient moment. The movie at least had the charm to pull the Chaffee. If Pearl Harbor and make you believe that the pro awhile plasta Ben Affleck impatient has drowned in the canal, but that is not going to redeem before our eyes. Greetings. Soliferrum First Lieutenant Joined: Sat 22 Aug 2009 14:57 Posts: 1979 Medals: 1 E-mail
Soliferrum wrote: I Put bluntly: We will make these movies (and perpetrators) what made them them before /-os to history. impatient And for the record that we do not do to be a Dukes since as

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