Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In short, what I advised my ass superhero glasses of glass and fortunately underpants inside, it wa

It is long, because, lantana make no mistake, this kind of thing has long since ceased to happen, someone I greatly admired as a writer gave me good advice beyond the trite "Read a lot, read more . And although long ago and also I stopped believing in my youth heroes, basically because all too proved to be human and therefore fallible, I admit that I was left with the lesson and thought he was applying it correctly. Silly me, I never remember that learning is not a one-time act, but a vital process that only ends with that dreaded end point are given as well ignore and we call death.
In other words, the good lessons, really, are those who demonstrate so many layers in its apparent simplicity, it really never finish to learn them. As soon as you think you've lantana done, wham, a new twist on the same concept returns you humility, which, by the way, we should never lose.
Well, my ex-hero, so the human factor mentioned advised me something like (set T voice tough guy from here to the end of the quote): "The good writer is like good buccaneer, knows see what interests and does not hesitate to use it when needed. "
Of course, the lesson continued a good while longer, because for all we know that from the forties when the average human decides that your partner is worthy of an example from your life experience advice, elaborates on the matter ...
But basically the buccaneer sentence summed it up perfectly and is what grabadita remained burned into my memory lantana tender and wistful knowledge deranged teenager. Well, okay, I'm being generous in my own description, but let me sweeten lantana the past that I hurt anyone doing it except me anyway.
In short, what I advised my ass superhero glasses of glass and fortunately underpants inside, it was not to hesitate to study the books I loved as if it were manual, noting the solutions writers gave the wrongs that were created-or themselves, which is very typical of the job. Thus, there and there, but always valued books myself, making me out with a good treasure, valuable for its origin, yes, but mostly for their utility, and take me to my own desert island for go to her every time that I escacharrara boat-'m sure in maritime jargon is a better lantana word for escacharrar, but the boats I frequent, lantana as good Majorcan, do not pass llaud, and these, at best, escacharran.
Do not think I need to say that I would not have used the fishing metaphor, though I like pirates and bears the name of the patron saint of seamen ... But in the end, helped me, and I applied. In the donkey. Or so stubborn. Or what I said? Because my mind is full of prejudice?
As a good student applied I chose ten works, lantana most of them classics, only three current, lantana which for me, and for 99% of manual literature-are, shall we say plain and clear, milk. And I used to manual to treasure tricks, more or less obvious, more or less elegant, more or less creeping ... Because yes, when you learn to look as writer-buccaneer (and yes, I continue with the metaphor, because custom and Years force and the internal logic of this humble post), it happens that the writer's tricks are revealed to your eyes as if they were highlighted in yellow pages with a pen - phosphine.
Clearly, another side effect of following the advice of the buccaneer was that I began to reread the books I liked, beyond my top ten mentioned, not one, not two, not three or four times ... Obviously the rereading, even that are related to the pure pleasure, they are more with the treasure hunt. But it is also obvious that few books that came to that category I like so much I'm going to plunder your boat ...
And even there, I thought I was doing well. And believe it because, silly me, I simply think and address the "serious lantana stuff" of the craft of writing and as Spanish academizada to the end, I have a stick up your ass, or had it, now I'm not so surely and firmly believed that literature was first, second, lantana third ... (To clarify, just in case, I play in regional third in this imaginary league that had mounted in my head). This being so, only some and only expoliaba with questions about how work solves the dual narrator? What does the ellipsis? How does the flashback to the top to turn the novel into a huge flashback? Or how do you solve the structure of the book to be consistent lantana but also agile?
Come on, that was me l

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