Tuesday, June 24, 2014

And here comes one of the most controversial points of the book sale mizuage. Is it true that the m

In this wonderful novel hear the confessions nats of Sayuri, one of the most beautiful nats geishas of Japan between the wars, a country that still echoes resounded feudal and where ancient traditions began to coexist with Western ways. Led by Sayuri enter a secret world dominated by passions and sustained by appearances, where sensuality and beauty nats can not be separated from the degradation and subjugation: a world in which young aspiring geishas are harshly trained in the art of seduction, in which her virginity is sold to the highest bidder and where they will be convinced that, for them, love is no more than a mirage.
When I started reading this book had virtually no knowledge or Japan in the first half of the twentieth century and the geisha or anything like that. As I said in the book The Seven Dwarfs tag, this book taught me a lot about Japanese culture and geishas in particular. I also learned about the great shock when World War II Japan and westernization suffered with the arrival of the Americans.
So if you were to put ten to something in this book, would be the setting. nats You may stop at some point to see some Western idea, after all, the author is American, but overall I think he has done a great job. Through Sayuri is presenting us the life led geisha since they were Shikomi (maids in the okiya) until they reached the highest category. Still a tough workout from very small oratory in which they learned to dance, to perform the tea ceremony, playing the shamisen, etc.. and values of a society where beauty and elegance often were everything foreshadowed. Everything they learned what they learned to be a master in the art of entertainment.
And here comes one of the most controversial points of the book sale mizuage. Is it true that the maiko (apprentice nats geisha) sold her virginity to the highest bidder? Anyone who has read the book say categorically yes, but it has been said countless times (Mineko Iwasaki's own, who told all this to Golden) that this practice was common in the neighborhood of prostitutes, not in the geishas. Yes that could be the case that geishas or dannas nats Tomasen lovers, but no auction nats for her virginity. In fact, after a little research the net you can conclude that this information is false until proven otherwise. This is well explained, for example.
Removing the conflicting aspect, I loved the book. So ... what's the but? The but is Sayuri. The most important nats and the most unsettling book character of all. Girl was cute and you can compadecías her, but was reaching adulthood and become silly. This obsession with the President was not normal. If you were a Lannister I would not have missed to say Things I do for the Chairman.
Which raised betray nats Nobu-san and I think such a carefree manner and cold has laid on my blacklist. It seemed to me cruel. That coupled with his behavior throughout the novel made me choke too.
Moreover, former President from the shadow which propel Sayuri's career nats because he was in love with her since I was little I found it very ... taken out of the sleeve?
So in summary, I think a very very recommendable book. Yes, you should go forward nats to put up a while Sayuri's nonsense. If it were not for this book would have a higher score.
And if you want to know a little more about the history of geishas and Mineko Iwasaki, you can try to read Life of a Geisha, written by herself to try to fix the mess that armed Arthur Golden.
All my life I've been deceived into thinking nats that the book I have at home is Memoirs of a Geisha, when it is actually a geisha life. LIFE ENGAÑADA. But you've convinced me to read me both Stark (when done with the damn bet I will enclose at home all summer). nats Reply Remove
I'm breaking schemes, I know. In the end I did not finish Life of a Geisha because I was over the deadline for returning it to the library or something, but I remember it was a bit slower and heavier nats than the novel, which is normal considering it is the biography of Iwasaki and not a fiction novel. Anyway, I hope you like them. (And I will not give time to read it all summer and you know) Delete
My name is Sara Sara. Perhaps you've heard of me. My crew gave me an island nats rum smuggling. The Edema Ruh had to let me go because he sang as Cacofonix. In my next life I will be a sarcastic cat. View my complete profile
2014 (36)

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