Wednesday, June 11, 2014

From all available data on the trajectory and descent

Environmental Monitoring
Summary: The essence of the "Aries-2" is the creation and launch of an experimental rocket with operational research mission of the working team, including members of several raketomodelni clubs and schools.
In this case is designed amateur research rocket, which is set to perform a set of tasks related to environmental monitoring and improvement of on-board propulsion systems and control.
The project is implemented using widely available materials and equipment acquired in connection with previous similar studies. shed Supplies and tools are provided by sponsors, supporters and personal funds of the participating teams.
Calculations, selection of materials and flight simulation are performed using software such as SRM, AEROLAB, LAUNCH, SPACECAD, PROPEP, freely shared on the Internet by various amateur organizations.
Length 1900 mm.
The fuel charge is calculated and designed as monoblock embodied in the motor housing and burn the inner channel and additional channels made star located in a part of its length. This configuration determines shed the burning area regressive thrust profile with a maximum at the start.
Calculated engine is at full impulse of 2371 N. s and runtime 2,93 s. Maximum thrust produced by it is 1005 N, and the average 810 N. According to the international classification engine is defined as the class K -810.
For start-up shed permit has been issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation Administration of 02.19.2014 35-00-1 and is therefore a limit to the passage of aircraft in the area around the launch of NOTAM A0145/2014 time from 12.00 am to 13 , 00hrs of 23.02.2014g.
After a confident start, the flight passes shed a ballistic trajectory and at a height of 1300 meters is operated shed rescue system model. Open your parachute on high speed part of the body of the rocket detaches and perform freefall another way than previously envisaged - nearly a kilometer northwest of the starting position.
After completion of the flight, quickly found and gathered all the elements of the missile by a GPS system. All onboard electronics and camcorders are in good condition and have been recorded values set in the task parameters. shed
- The behavior of the rocket motor can be seen from the graph of the acceleration in the first seconds of flight, where clear-cut regressive burning specified shed in the design of the fuel charge.
The graph shows a delay of 0,3 s when the maximum thrust demanded by request at the start and peak, due to continued operation of the ignition composition. These two events in the ignition can be explained by poor design of the lighter engine and the change shed in the base fuel mix, which changed the ratio of the components of an exploratory basis.
Climb of 1250 meters the rocket fell in an unstable air mass, which causes the activation of the parachute system through pyro-output 1, which is evident from the chart-time high in the range of 20-25 seconds shed of flight:
Consistently operable and pyro-duplicate a discharge chute charge withdrawn at very high non-vertical velocity shed component because the beneficiary is a dynamic part of the body hit the rocket broke off in free fall in a direction different from the first set.
GPS trackers are so arranged in the body of the model, that after the forced separation of housing are in two sections, landing separately. Through internet shed tracking system submersible parts of "Aries-2" are located immediately.
The onboard video is poor quality, given the gloomy weather and the arrival of the rocket in the clouds. Climb sealed footage from the launch shed site and they noticed bare patches of vegetation, suspected from previous surveys that are the result of some kind of soil contamination.
The electronics of "Aries-2" is being tested a new type of on-board computer, model Stratologger SL 100 American company Perfectflight, which records data on altitude, speed, temperature and amount of on-board power supply in parallel with the principal.
The values of the main and redundant on-board computers are similar and show that you can rely on model testing Stratologger SL 100 for self-management and records shed on subsequent flights.
From all available data on the trajectory and descent

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