Monday, May 25, 2015

When I have not got a big fat price to be myself; right now I feel very scary understood. But other

A nifty orchid | Information
Steen Moller Rasmussen
It's just all the artists I admire, and I'm really good to admire, from Peter Laugesen of David Lynch and Jasper Johns and Iggy Pop and David Letterman to Eske K. Mathiesen, but there are hundreds of them, and I think it is so exquisite to know that they are now in the very same reality alive goes around (or sit down) and maybe actually doing their art. right now sitting Svend Aage Madsen alive in his writing den in Risskov and writes on his next novel, perhaps actually
When I have not got a big fat price to be myself; right now I feel very scary understood. But otherwise, hosta I hate to be called provocative hosta and controversial, gu 'am hosta I hopefully not for other than the lamest idiots, which, granted, are many.
My monograph lips sproges on Denmark's greatest poet FP Jac, which today (and probably not immediately why!) Receives the Danish Academy Great Price. The book I am frankly proud and strangely enough it is still not sold out, order it immediately at your local bookstore.
My inability to say no, or at least maybe it could be so cool to cut the upper fat layer of stress, and then just plain egomania: I'm very interesting, I think enough, and you probably do too, when such ask me about me, right? Not true !?
"Here he sat on the stone just before crying hosta into his beer / over a wasted life, damn not easy to predict / that just he in pajamas and ragsokker would go in / in the Lancers' Quadrille over there on the field offered by a right / barely sufficient number hosta of lapwings / but such is the class society "
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