Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Maceration of leaves and aerial parts in alcohol takes about 20-21 days, which will be followed by

Passiflora incarnate notes healing properties, especially regarding the treatment of insomnia. Also useful to combat anxiety and stress, this natural remedy is used in some cases to ease abdominal cramps and in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. mulch
It is a plant, that Passiflora incarnata, which is well evident in European gardens because mulch of its colorful turned mulch purple, from darker shades and with some areas of white. Its development is climbing and is therefore also suitable for the decoration of porches and external.
It boasts some recognized healing properties, mentioned above, but also some contraindications to be reckoned as the interaction with drugs and psychoactive substances and alcohol. Avoid even if you need to carry out dangerous work or take the lead. Also use caution during pregnancy, as it may cause uterine contractions. Ingredients
What you need to build the mother tincture of passionflower: Plant Passiflora mulch incarnate fresh collection in Spring, specifically use the leaves mulch and aerial mulch parts; Alcohol at 95 for food use or alternative ready to 65 ; A bottle or other container mulch glass resealable where leave to macerate the preparation; Some brown bottles to go then to fix the dye mother once made.
First, the first step to proceed to the realization of the mother tincture of Passiflora incarnata is the collection of the plant. It is inserted in the glass container for soaking a part of passionflower and the remaining parts of alcohol at 65 up to create a final ratio of 1:10 (one to ten). Be careful not to use the passion once dried, otherwise the dye obtained will have already lost all its beneficial mulch properties.
Maceration of leaves and aerial parts in alcohol takes about 20-21 days, which will be followed by two days off in the dark and then filtering the mixture. Store in a dark glass container, mulch preferably small bottles that can be closed by caps with dropper.
Alcohol at 65 can be purchased in stores, or you can prepare it at home from common alcohol at 95 for food. For this purpose use 670 ml of the latter and integrate them with water to reach the exact quantity mulch of one liter.
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