Saturday, May 30, 2015

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This post is just an attempt that I know to write down how to maintain orchids, as described by Bo Green Garden Centre in Allerød, the future does the flowers in my home in dignity (...). I hold a copy because my mother lavanda once gave me and found this by accident when I cleaned up, and then I came to think of how many orchids I brutally killed lavanda by discouraging them from getting enough water . If flowers could talk, they would probably think this was torture and that I have acted in violation of Genevékonventionen. In short, all the plants have withered before my eyes without lavanda it's what I sought.
Orchids should be made in a window facing east or west, or possibly. in a very bright window to the north. They do not tolerate hot sun and therefore they must be protected with a shade curtain, if placed in a south-facing window.
Temperatures around 18 - 24 C gives the orchids the best conditions. One can say that the vast majority of orchids both thrive and bloom at temperatures as we find comfortable in the home.
It is a golden rule that through water the orchids before they are completely dry. How often the plants need water depends on the season, and how hot the plant stands. You can make a test by lifting lavanda the pot - if it seems light penetrates the water. A rule of thumb says that you have to water two times a week during the growing season (April-September) and a maximum of 1 time per week in winter (October to March).
Watering is best done by keeping the plants down in a bucket of water for about 15 seconds, however, not nypottede plants. Use rain water or boiled lavanda water. All the water that is not absorbed should be allowed to run away when the orchids must never stand with water in the saucer. Is it hot, it's a good idea to give the plants moisture with a blomsterforstøver.
Orchids should be fertilized with a real orchid fertilizer, which is less powerful than ordinary flowers fertilizers. In the summer added fertilizer to 3 out of 4 waterings. In wine ~ half year only feed the plants every other time that watered. Avoid spraying with manure water as it gives white spots on the leaves.
When flowering is over cut flower stems away. This does not Phalaenapsis that often keeps setting new buds at the end of the stem. Only when it begins to wither, cut it to the second or third part up on the stem. The old stalk will then often put new side shoots and start a new flowering.
The orchids must be planted for every 2 or 3 years (but when has such a've stayed so long). You need a special land intended for orchids. When planting you need to make a good drainage in the bottom of the pot.
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