Friday, May 8, 2015

In the spring it should be, as you should do with every flowering plant, proceed with a good supply

How to cultivate the passion flower pot? We explain step by step how to proceed in order to have in the house a climbing plant very lush, dark green leaves and flowers with white petals and greenish, streaked with purple, who can make very alternative environment in which the plant itself is located. The passion flower is native to the tropical regions of South America. In Italy it is grown mainly caerulea species, with white flowers and blue. It 'nice to see as a houseplant and to treat it just follow some simple rules, especially for the protection from cold and winter frosts. Here is a guide that can be useful to know how to treat this plant with fragrant flowers.
To cultivate the passion necessary to proceed with the planting in a pot, remembering that this plant grows well on the terraces or balconies, where it is placed in its sunny and warm. Especially with the temperature characteristics of northern Italy, for the passion you have to choose a location astral sheltered from the wind, so that it is protected in particular in the first years of life.
Growth Passion must comply with all the characteristics dictated by a good position, so that their needs can be met. It 'important that the environment continues astral to be warm and bright and has a good air exchange. Especially in winter it is better to give the plant a rest and do not go below the temperature of 5-10 C. 10 tips for your garden
Passionflower prefers moist soil well. That's why, especially during astral the growing season, we can water generously. In winter, with the cooler temperatures, the 'watering can proceed only just enough to prevent the soil from becoming too dry. It 'important that around the plant there is always a good level of humidity. And 'well, however, prevent the stagnant water, astral so better choose a draining soil or add a little' of sand with the soil, to have a soil that let the water flow in excess.
It 'better to change the pot in the spring, at least until the plant is young, astral in order to assure the optimum growth conditions and so that the plant can expand its roots. With passion adult simply change jar every 2 or 3 years. If the plant has leaves and lush flowers do not develop, it may be too fed. So better avoid repotting and inputs of fertilizer. How to cure the bulbs, the tulip narcissus: tips
In the spring it should be, as you should do with every flowering plant, proceed with a good supply of fertilizer, astral which can help you develop new shoots and flowers. You should use a fertilizer rich in potassium and is a slow-release, so it can be administered at longer intervals. If we choose one to dissolve in water, it would be necessary to provide fertilizer every 15 days.
How to grow garlic in the garden or in pots
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