Friday, May 15, 2015

Another active ingredient is called Fucus Vesiculosus - This plant makes balancing the action of th

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It's time to forget about strict diet menus, various types of slimming pills and physical and mental suffering to lose weight. Now there are the stickers slimming Slim Patch that operate without any side effects. It is so simple and easy-paste and thin.
Sticker Slim Patch contains natural substances that suppress appetite. These materials produce a feeling of fullness in the body, calm the urge for eating carbohydrates and sweets, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, speeding up metabolism and increase alertness and energy in the body, what enables us to exercise more widely. These materials create all these things by the slow penetration into the bloodstream through the skin that holds the label.
As mentioned above, patch Slim Patch has 100% natural ingredients which are active ingredients. One substance called GUARANA - This is the essence of the fruit, which is also found in soft drinks, tea and energy drinks. This material is an alternative to caffeine, is an appetite suppressant, sharpens the memory, enhances alertness and gives body to want to act and move, which naturally increases energy expenditure.
Another active ingredient is called Fucus Vesiculosus - This plant makes balancing the action of the thyroid gland and helps in regulating body metabolism. Other material is 5-HTP - makes balance of serotonin in the brain, calms the hunger of the body and causes the proper functioning burton mail of metabolism.
There is another substance called pyruvate Zinc - Zinc This process, which encourages fat burning and causes weight loss. Latest substance included in the list of active substances burton mail patch Slim Patch is Flaxseed Oil- with flax seed oil fatty acids that help the brain and body to function properly. These acids very nutritious and encourage normal blood flow in the body and also raise your metabolism. How to use the patch
Currently unknown side effects included abnormal weight loss patch Slim Patch except in very rare cases where sensitive adhesive skin sticker. If you see symptoms like burning, itching or redness of the skin, should be immediately removed the sticker. The problem was, and still there is a need to see a doctor.
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