Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Related This entry was posted in Children, Past, Future, Hsp, Relationships, roundup Sensitive and

As I have written here on the blog, I've never been good at taking care of my flowers. Not even an orchid, I could fit. Either I have given them too much water or too little water. There's never gone more than a few weeks, and then I have "killed them."
You can pretty roundup much compare high-sensitive children with orchid flowers. They have to have 'just the right amount of water. Neither too little nor too much. Otherwise, they are quickly out of balance, and it takes time to correct the "damage" .. One day they penetrate to much water, other days very little. roundup There should be no reason for them to be bad and the leaves wither. Sometimes it does not take much for one little thing can make great havoc on the roots. Sometimes roundup there fairly quickly corrected it, by putting them in a different room with a different temperature. Other times must be something else. It fluctuates a lot. Common roundup to both, high-sensitive children or orchids, is that not react the same way.
So you can probably see that I have come out of my life trying. Never have I could fit myself. My own orchid roundup flower. The roots have been seriously roundup injured. Much can not be rectified. But much can I change going forward. Only now, I'm about to learn my own balance between thirst and no thirst. Water and drought. I realized that since I've got my "orchid roundup children," I have been at max. overload. Because I do not have to regulate roundup my own thirst, I have not been aware of their. It is therefore an extremely hard work that I am now conscious of having to care for orchids day long. Both myself and two smaller size. But practice makes perfect, right? :-)
The key phrase for me and my children, "Breathe alone". Something I and my children always want to have need to "get in balance" roundup again. Something I Invented personally always remember. Several times a day. Therefore, I also got the words immortalized in my skin on the forearm, so every day I recalled roundup the words. My body tells me, but nice to be able to see in writing as well.
That you feel this here intensity inside completely roundup insane. This one might call to be "up and running". Now I feel just how my body reacts physically too, and how the equally need "reassurance" afterwards :-) order after seeing my name in the magazine and read my OWN texts so completely prophesy out, I was sku ' happy. Very happy.
And it required really, that I subsequently had to lie down and take some deep breaths to get the "balance" again. Sounds crazy not ... But it's just that with the intensity that all feelings felt very intense. When you are overwhelmed. Both the negative AND positive. Both require a reassurance and tranquility. Min. 20 min. To get a grip on nervous system again. For those who are interested, it can be loaded online here http://bf.dynamicpaper.info/6413/ on page 77 and 96 or acquired b.la. Rema.
Related This entry was posted in Children, Past, Future, Hsp, Relationships, roundup Sensitive and tagged alone-time, the article, children, children and leisure time, hard work, HSP, columnist, roundup orchid, pernille Neess blixenfrance, sensitive, breathing alone pernillenb. Bookmark the permalink. roundup
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