Thursday, May 7, 2015

They are the beginning; write me a comment or leave a window :) I like on Facebook Archives Februar

And how blame them ... the tendrils were the lashes with which Jesus was scourged; the three styles the nails; stamens, shaped like a hammer, the five wounds; the colorful sunburst behind, the crown of thorns.
The natives, much more practical and unaware of the good news that they brought with them these strange invaders dressed in black, always used the flowers and leaves as a sedative, or simply as a sleeping aid.
But it was a Dominican priest, Emmanuel de Villegas to bring in 1610 the first plant in Europe; showed it to a colleague, father Giocomo Bosio, who was so fascinated, to describe it now in the text that he was writing and published in the same year, the "Treaty on the Crucifixion of Our Lord" that contains the first mention in flower print, that was called "Passion Incarnate".
We have spread the "Passiflora Cerulea" which resists until the thermometer animal control does not touch zero. Others, unfortunately, are in need of greenhouses and a suitable environment. It is cultivated in pots or directly in the ground.
It blooms of short, lasting approximately one day. But now, from another part of the plant, there appeared suddenly a new flower. E 'can, with a little' patience, observe their movements: the first opens, showing the different parts well structured to receive sunlight. Then, slowly, the five stamens animal control yellow-colored turn down, while the three colorful styles of black remain longer in the standing position. Then they go down too, as if to seek refuge among the stamens.
It seems a small Baroque fountain or a sculpture of a contemporary artist. animal control But it's animal control just one of the many miracles of nature, which take place from time immemorial, and from which each time they are repeated, we are fascinated.
There are about 460 species of Passiflora, animal control different both in form and in color, and you can also get hybrid characteristics even stranger. Some species can eat the fruit, which of course is called "fruit of the Passion."
Remained immune from the Greek myths, coming halfway around the world, the Passiflora animal control carries the original legend created by the Jesuits. Other flowers are in charge of telling the most human passions animal control of men: only the Passion reminds us the last moments of the Passion highest, that of Our Lord.
Walfredo Siemoni: The Deacon of St. Francis of Valdambrino
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