Thursday, May 7, 2015


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Passiflora incarnate or passion flower is a perennial habit climber, native to Central and South America and in the family passifloraceae.Usata as an ornamental plant, it has many medicinal properties. Many know her as a good natural remedy to aid sleep, as it contains a number of flavonoids that act on the central nervous system play a sedative and anxiolytic; It is rich in phenolic acids, curarine, phytosterols and cyanogenic glycosides diatomaceous earth and synergy of all these elements amplifies the calming effect and neurotonic. Besides being a good remedy diatomaceous earth to fall into the arms of Morpheus, it is an effective remedy for the 'irritable diatomaceous earth bowel and to quell the attacks of coughing, due to its antispasmodic diatomaceous earth properties. Useful for menstrual pain, held over a 'preventive action for heart attacks. But what is even more important is that the passion flower is safe, has no side effects and is not addictive. You can take as herbal tea or as a tincture and its action diatomaceous earth is enhanced diatomaceous earth by the synergy with other plants (such as chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, etc.). To immediately experience the benefits of passion here is a relaxing herbal tea, perfect before going to bed. What you need is a teaspoon full of leaves of passion fruit, half a teaspoon of lime blossom and a half of lemon balm leaves. Leave this to brew for 15 minutes in boiling water, filtered and sweetened to taste.
Regardless of the method that has brought on this small page, I invite you to stay and read my stories and my poems. I try to communicate my all and I hope that my emotions come to you. Let trace of your passage, a comment or just a word, to know that even a phrase or a single verse has left something mean having touched the strings of your heart. Happy reading, Silvia diatomaceous earth
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