Tuesday, May 12, 2015

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Passionflower, also known as passion bonzai flower belongs to the Passifloraceae family and is native to tropical and subtropical areas of America, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. bonzai It 'a very rustic climbing plant, that in areas with mild climate can be grown in gardens where, bonzai give large flowers, bonzai smelling that will last for a long time. Its cultivation seems easy, and well suited to various types of soils, even poor. They belong to it over 400 species and each one of them produces spectacular flowers, which are somewhat special in their shape and color. The species most widely used for ornamental purposes are the Passiflora caerulea, the Passiflora bonzai quadrangularis, Passiflora coccinea. All varieties of passionflower prefer areas with good sun, in fact, the temperature should not be below 10 C in winter, as it has very shallow roots and therefore sensitive to temperature reductions. They can be grown in pots or window boxes, but the maximum it will only in the ground, which will stretch along espaliers, fences and poles or other tall trees. Require frequent watering, especially in summer, but avoid standing water that could cause root rot. You can easily reproduce bonzai by cuttings to be carried out in summer, through branches of about 10/15 cm and interrandoli to about half in a vase with earth mixed with peat and sand. Its name comes from the shape of its flower that is associate to the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, in fact the stigmas represent the nails, the filaments represent the crown of thorns, the leaves represent bonzai the spear that pierced Jesus, and the color white the innocence of Christ. It was classified in 1753 and was thus given the name Passiflora that comes from the name "passion bonzai flower". bonzai The variety edulis also produces edible fruits, whereas other varieties (eg: passiflora incarnata) is used in herbal medicine for the preparation of various compounds, in fact has remarkable beneficial properties from the point of view erboristico and they are used both the stems that the flowers , fruits and leaves. The passionflower are attributed calming, it is in fact used for the prevention and treatment of anxiety as well as for insomnia. It has a relaxing effect and is also used in the form of infusions. Passionflower, lemon balm together, to lime and Valerian is considered then a grass relaxing. His collection, for purposes herbal, takes place in summer, while its fruit, known by the name of passion fruit, have a high concentration of vitamin C. A suggestion? Place a plant of passion behind a wall or along a trellis, bonzai within a short time be able to change that corner stripped of your garden and will give you a multitude of spectacular flowers!
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