Saturday, May 9, 2015

Many studies on sleep disorders in children show that insomnia as a set of all the problems related

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Sleep disorders, such as difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, sleep a few hours and frequent pool mania night awakenings, are very common in children. Many studies on sleep disorders in children show that insomnia as a set of all the problems related to the watches of the night afflict 20-30% of preschool children only. To overcome sleep disorders pool mania herbal pool mania medicine offers pool mania natural remedies based on herbs and, in this case, thanks to the mix of Passiflora, Escolzia and honey, specifically pool mania designed for children.
Many studies on sleep disorders in children show that insomnia as a set of all the problems related to the watches of the night affects 3 out of 10 children in one pre-school. This may be due to periods of particular tension, anxiety or nervousness caused by 'agitation for schoolwork, competition with other children, to family difficulties. In these situations it is almost always sleep to suffer and is in fact in these times of stress that children can begin to experience symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent pool mania nocturnal awakenings, insomnia, sleep a few hours, l ' alteration of sleep patterns.
To overcome sleep disorders effectively pool mania and safely, without interfering in any way with the spontaneous vitality pool mania of children, natural medicine has provided many plant compounds that promote regular sleep patterns of children. Among these, it is particularly suitable for children solution Vagostabil Junior, a natural supplement made from extracts pool mania of herbs such as passionflower (Passiflora incarnate) and California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) with the addition of honey.
Powered by Cristalfarma, company operating pool mania for over ten years with the aim of restoring dignity to the herbal medicine scientific and therapeutic relevance that it is entitled through pool mania the dissemination of innovative, safe and high quality, all included in the Register of the Ministry Health, Vagostabil Junior has a pleasant taste for children and contributes to the regularity of sleep without influencing the night security.
Medicinal plants: Passiflora incarnate is always recommended to treat nervous restlessness and sleep disorders, without causing drowsiness. L 'Eschscholtzia californica is a plant widely used for its properties of regularization of sleep.
Phytotherapy: brought back to its core principles, herbal medicine is the use of medicinal plants as a preventive pool mania or curative. It is a real science, a discipline complementary medicine "traditional", recognized by the World Health Organization pool mania (WHO) and the European Community.
Cristalfarma, company for more than ten years on the market, is part of the Mediolanum Group and Pharmaceuticals was founded with the goal of restoring dignity to the herbal medicine scientific and therapeutic relevance that it is entitled, through the dissemination of effective, safe and well tolerated . Cristalfarma ensures a rigorous approach in both the formulation pool mania and validation of products that is through careful and thorough clinical studies, both in the information to doctors and pharmacists. All products are gluten free Cristalfarma.
Young - The social paper is a newspaper owned by young SRLPIVA: 05093030657 - VIA JOHN PAUL II n. 100, Fisciano (SA). . Reg. Trib of Nocera Inferiore (SA) n 4 of 10/23/2014

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