Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The passion came to Europe in 1610 imported from Father Emmanuel de Villegas who was immediately at

The passion flower is a herbaceous perennial ante vine, with stems like lianas thin and green, covered with bark. The leaves are lance-shaped and flowers, sprouting in summer are hermaphrodite, axillary and solitary, are colorful and fitted with nectar glands. The fruits are edible and berries are ovoid or elongated with gelatinous pulp with yellow heart-shaped seeds. The passion flower is a tropical plant that grows well in Central and South America, although some species are from North America, Asia and Australia.
The passion came to Europe in 1610 imported from Father Emmanuel de Villegas who was immediately attracted by the fruit and impressed that the flower ante reproduced the tools used in the condemnation of Jesus: the crown of thorns, the wounds, nails and scourges. Hence the name given to the plant in 1735. passionflower ante Passiflora properties and benefits ante
Passion usually used the leaves and remain young that contain alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterols, phenolic acids, coumarins, glycosides, cyanogenic, traces of essential oil. But they also used the fruits that are rich in vitamin C.
The action Passion is relaxing and calming, it acts on the nervous system and has rapid action. Its relaxing effect is comparable to that of lemon balm, linden and valerian, it promotes sleep and is also antispasmodic so it is recommended for cramps and premenstrual ante syndrome. Very often the passionflower is also recommended as a natural remedy for menopause. It can also be useful in the case of deficit and high blood pressure. The passionflower is also used in case of spasms of the intestine and in case of problems or bronchial cough
Passionflower can be taken in the form of infusion, they recommend two cups a day but asked also recommend the herb. There is also the form of tablets and tincture.
Or 3 grams of leaves and flowers of passion fruit per 100 grams of dry white wine, it should all be required ante to soak for a week and if they drink two glasses a day (can be kept in the fridge). Contraindications Passion
If you overuse of natural remedies passion flower you may experience uterine cramps. Among other side effects ante they experience dizziness, confusion, muscle problems and coordination, altered state of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness and abnormal heart beat. and inflammation of blood vessels.
Hay greek: properties and benefits
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Hay greek: properties and benefits May 1, 2015
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