Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I love flowers and love to muck around them, and also to get shots to grow - it was as if I always

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I have recently started to interest me for orchids. fleas I have 9 different, but since I have not trace sense p ball etc. I hope we can get a good keeping with advice and ideas about the care. No I seeks on the web before I a lot with pictures and names on orchids, but I'm most interested in is out - here ifrste place. I have heard of irrigation: 1. immersion of the pot is not too cold water for 5 minutes. And second analySIS pot in max 15 sec otherwise rdderne not breathe. Light: Have lst to stvendt window is best, but also to the tler a lot of light. My orchids size now in the south-facing window, but only here in the winter. This summer I will move them into sovevrelset which is stvendt. There can not stand now, as we have always bent window, it's too cold. Questions: How and how often should be irrigated? Would they like to have cooked cools down water or rainwater? Questions: what temperature m the max garden (hvornr should I move them?) Questions: Why do some orchids that are gromateriale and other land? Questions: How much should you cut the faded branch? Have heard that you have to cut in the second part. but no they bloom again, str the old branch just as a withered stick that comes the new branch. Why should one's save as much of the old branch?
I love flowers and love to muck around them, and also to get shots to grow - it was as if I always perceived orchids, as a somewhat difficult plant, and therefore I had no - you have it the little the same way - A few years ago my daughter fleas said what I wanted me ifdselsdagsgave, and I said - a nice Orkidee - now have this beautiful plant is tested - Efterhnden I found out its srheder and this Orkidee have I stadigvk, fleas s it has definitely good enough is udmrket with stvendt window - The plant requires no sun all the time I irrigate with boiled water and only very a little at a time (rainwater is fine if you have it) - A clear glass or plastic pot is best - s can always see if there is moisture - nothing to rdderne are paddling in the water - I keep it away from temeraturer below 18 degrees - Always of my mind that the orchid grows in a tree and expect it's not all the time you can buy something called lava stone - They are srdeles good for plants - They hold p moisture and no lying at the top, you can always see if there is water shortage - Are the stones wet on the bottom, do not of my mind watering system - The faded branch I cut off at the third eye - A withered branch, you can just cut away No orchid has finished flowering, p style it just override a suitable site, and like with no direct sunlight - No it is showing fleas signs of a new shot, s let it return to its customary place Many of my plants grow exclusively in lava stone and fr only nring in the water no daylight saving - especially cowboy cactus thrives fantastic - also queen of the night Good luck with your orchids
My orchids (5 pcs.) Streak a south window - summer and winter - the fr water ca. every 14 days by I hlder commonly tempered tap water into the plant pot. The size all together in a clear pot that's streak-colored hides. fleas In spite of that they are cared for completely wrong belnner fleas me with a sea of flowers - it m VRE love
I also orchids at home and the industry a west-facing window, the fr a drop of water from the tap No. I just remembered it, and so I cut them down in the second bud when they have faded .. We have sa orkidemand here in Horsens, and only that buys my orchids, they are real nice his orchids, and so they are cheaper than in the supermarkets etc.
My orchids (5 pcs.) Streak a south window - summer and winter - the fr water ca. every 14 days by I hlder commonly tempered tap water into the plant pot. The size all together in a clear pot that's streak-colored hides. fleas In spite of that they are cared for completely wrong belnner me with a sea of flowers - it m VRE love I tr not let my st in the south-facing window No it gets hot they will cook to death course of no time. There are almost no plants that can cope with the st in the window that is solar p for many hours every day. Thanks fleas for your advice, it seems that there are a variety of methods about watering. fleas I used the method by immersion in warm water for 5 minutes in a few months. But then I heard the to the max m VRE submerged fleas 15 seconds and was nervs for if I have damaged rdderne. And

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