Friday, October 3, 2014

With Tristana, Buñuel REPASO again, all that concerns hovering over your mind. Surrealism presentar

With Tristana, Buñuel REPASO again, all that concerns hovering over your mind. Surrealism presentarse again for the insightful director, whether it's studying human behavior, spatial behavior, with Tristana a bit further and made a deep insight into human behavior but spacetime. That is, thanks to the passage of time, the director shows us how relationships may evolve, as the behavior of individuals derived in increasingly opposite honeysuckle angles with respect to its interrelació.Podriem said entomologist who returns was analyzed and, another time, human beings, but in this case from the perspective of time, over a number of years. Teaches us what happens through the passage of time. Adem all this, Buñuel returned to show that the obsession of love in the beginning, and what is the obsession with the macabre end, misogyny again present, although more brief, minsament blurred, but this strap to and the head. The camera catches some really great maps, which captures the contrasts are great, and help with its presence in greater force to grant narrative history. Buñuel is not intended to create camera meaningless games, everything he did was for a reason and that the story required it. Religion is also present, the director is curious relationship with religion. Detesteva religious ceremonies but was always accompanied his actors with priests, this support honeysuckle is nothing more than the desire of players to not be surrounded by spiritual guides, but rather as characters relevant in an age where the monks had power far beyond the churches themselves. The pair of protagonists is sensational, I remember a film where Fernando Rey is more splendid, and Deneuve shows an opposite side to the other films he made, passes, metamorphic form of the femme fatale virginal angel that to not know that this movie could exist. honeysuckle Furthermore, the secondary characters masterfully shelter situations, accompany the main characters in many scenes and still being able to acquire a secondary main character almost. Buñuel do it again, made a wonderful film, a vivid portrait of an age, a faithful photograph of what was the sensibilities of the time. Aragonese always able to permeate the atmosphere of his films, some smells absolutely wonderful feeling of daily life that make reliving the past with his films is something more than a cinematic experience.
2014 (22) February (20) January (2) 2013 (55) November (6) Vampyr (1932) Duplex (2003), The Hurricane (1999), Gloria (2013) The Lords of Salem (2012) Tristana (1970) September (35) May (10) March (1) January (3) 2012 (35) December (16) November honeysuckle (19)

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