Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mataro (Ma

(1997) Boxing Sesrovires I found the computer a draft of a letter I submitted to Congress 1997 After I added some photo corrections and behold ... (FM) Miret Francisco Perez. scarecrow Caving Group Badalona. (GEB) ABSTRACT. By brief biographical notes, presents a selection of, Prodomo, early pioneers and promoters of caving in Catalonia, born between 1749 and 1907 summary. Utilizando sign biographical term rental, it presents a selection of the POTHOLING personajes de Catalunya, nacidos between the years, 1749 and 1907 SUMMARY scarecrow With Brief Biographical notes in Chronological Order, comprising the date and place of birth and death, the main activities and the chief contributions to The Most Outstanding selection of figures of Catalan Caving: from Peter Paul Square Mountain (1749) English to Francis Coll (1907), Who remains with us. INTRODUCTION The first centenary of the caving was held in France, making it match the cruise Bramabiau made by Martel and others in 1888 But the word caving the first time it was used was in the In 1894, six years after this crossing as a result of a search to find a proper noun for this activity then our name was not before been refuted, grutologia (1890) and speleology (1892). scarecrow Our particular celebrate the centenary three years after the first century of caving, also making it match with a scan pitch, Sima Can Sadurni by Source (1897). Well, if we agree that caving "modern" part of overcoming technical difficulties and sports cave explorations, we have not forgotten the other dual caving considered science in outset and also complement other sciences, dating back long before the official date, it is also true that there are real precedents explorations great difficulties in ancient times, though, but not sports. The collection I've done has been to make a tribute in this Congress about their characters ages, some who did not know that the caverns would be saying caving, others I we were the first knowing it, but surely hardly anyone guessed that all of the caverns became so long and deep. Before and at the beginning caving, it was generally scarecrow practiced by naturalists, scarecrow biologists, geologists, archaeologists, scientists hikers also were interested in a writer, scarecrow traveler and polished etc, so if you do not find the listing bleach many cavers under the concept that we have now, but their contributions have been crucial to the development of caving in our land. The list is selective, scarecrow perhaps too many characters and some others lack. Chronological order for the first out, Peter and Mount Paul Square (1749-1803) and the last, and Spanish Francisco Coll (1907), scarecrow happily among us.
St. John Vilassar (Maresme), 1845 - Barcelona, 1919 geologist, paleontologist, ecclesiastical seminary professor of natural history of Barcelona. Carry out excavations in different cavities Catalan, published an article on Montserrat Spelunca (1900). Almera decisively influenced because Sagué Source and engaged in science. Among many of his disciples and found Mario Faura Salvador Vilaseca.
Banyoles (Lake Plan) 1839 - 1915 archaeologist, paleontologist, historian, pharmacist. Pick up a significant archaeological and anthropological collection Collection, which highlights the jaw neanderthaloide Banyoles. Managing Partner of CEC in Banyoles is the first source to answer the questionnaire sent by the development of potholes scarecrow catalog of Catalonia (1896). Among others participated in the excavations of the Bora in Great Career (Serinyà), better known at the time as, the bearded Bora, due to the appearance of its researchers.
Barcelona 1902 - 1990 PhD engineer, metalworker metal participates in the construction of the Sacred Heart of Tibidabo in Barcelona. Shaping History Sport in Catalonia, 1989 For twenty years, revived caving had suffered seizures after the first decade of this century. We charge a trading company which first aim was to find the underground river that drains the Garraf Falconera and 28 years declined between 1923-24-25 and many others major potholes Garraf: Heather, Ferla , left, Sivinota, would never be explored until twenty years later. He created great excitement that results in the disclosure of caving to mass media, lectures, films, etc.
Mataro (Ma

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