Friday, October 17, 2014

Everyone works through the astral body, but only a few can use it separate from the physical body.

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This subtle body is 5-50 cm beyond the physical body, depending on the wealth of man's inner world and the level of his spiritual development. It does not have such a clear form, as essential. It is a continuously iridescent colored bundles of energy. In non-emotional human body is fairly uniform and discharged. A very emotional person, these colorful bunches more thick and dense. And the flash of negative emotions appear as bundles of energy "heavy" and dark colors - maroon-red, brown, gray, black, etc.
If a person is emotional, but easily appeased, the clots of negative energies in the emotional body relatively quickly dissipate. But if a person has a prolonged negative acacia emotions type constant insults at people acacia or life, or permanent aggression towards life and other people (communists, democrats, Jews, boss, ex-husband, etc.), these emotions create lasting clots negative emotional energy. These clots in the future have a negative impact on our health.
Formation of the astral body takes place between the ages of 14 to 21 years. It is believed that on the fortieth acacia day after the death of a human astral body dies. Astral energies create a so-called astral plane that is home to the essence of the astral plane (egregors, ghosts, spirit, created in our dreams, and others.). The astral plane is a two-tiered. The first level - it's emotion and feelings (grief, acacia joy, anger). The second level - a condition (love, happiness).
The astral body is constantly changing its structure under the influence acacia of games passions, desires and worries. If they are benign, they reinforce the finer particles of the astral body. Careful observation of your thoughts and feelings and conscious direction of their people can most decisively influence his astral body and quickly improve it. In the dream, such a developed astral acacia body does not stay in the vicinity of its physical counterpart. It wanders in the astral world, acacia wearing the astral currents Mezhuyev same as the mind of man is capable to receive impressions, and even capture them in the brain (prophetic dreams or visions).
Astral world - a certain part of the universe that surrounds the physical world and partially penetrating into it, but invisible and not perceived by us, because it is composed of matter of a different order.
The astral body is spiritually developed person is composed of the finest particles of astral matter and is a great color and shine on sight unseen and on earth shades appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. His noble thoughts, we clear your own astral acacia body and there is no need to take in this respect any special measures.
Everyone works through the astral body, but only a few can use it separate from the physical body. If not for this intermediary activity of the astral body, there would be no connection acacia between the outside world and the mind of man, and the signals sent by the physical senses, the mind would not be perceived. These signals are converted into sensations in the astral body, and then only perceived intelligence. acacia
Nonsense and verbiage. Clothe mys, the mind in the mythical astral body is available to almost everyone in a dream, a fantasy, but do prakitecheskie conclusions on the scientific basis of the "astral body" ... Do not hammer people's brains "phishing."
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