Monday, October 20, 2014

When traveling to Navem (astral) body, unlike the terrestrial, it is completely separated from the

Navier body - lepton matrix dense body (physical, yavego). It is also called the astral, emotional, desire body, kama (the animal soul), astral twin. In esoteric circles it is also called the Children I (not to be confused with mladencheskim I etheric body).
If there is a physical body for life and action on the physical plane, ie Reveal the world, the Navier body allows us to interact with the world, cookout Navi. In the world we enter when Navi sleep and after death. Using the transference of consciousness in the Navier body can communicate to residents of the astral world as creatures Navi Light, and with representatives of the Dark Navi.
When traveling to Navem (astral) body, unlike the terrestrial, it is completely separated from the dense body, but it is the cord connecting it to the physical body. If the cord is cut off, the physical body dies.
If you can not control cookout your dreams, then every night you get to a certain level of peace Navi: light or dark, depending on the frequency of vibration of your body and the level of spiritual evolution. How would you not have moved if you fall asleep with a bad mood that you have lasted long enough that it has already managed to affect your aura to a large extent, you automatically get to the lower astral subplane (Dark Nav), and you may have nightmares .
Human manifestation in the physical world is the physical body, the astral - Astral and so in a more subtle worlds. In the course of its evolutionary development, man is able to increasingly express themselves and at the same time gradually perfected the media of his consciousness.
Artificially accelerate the development of astral vision is not necessary. Only after reaching a certain level of physical strength, it can be comfortable. Until then, the man is quite enough, and physical sensations.
It is necessary to form an astral (Navier) body (in undeveloped spiritual man it is blurred and poorly lit) and prepare it to work. And consciousness must be tamed to work in the astral double, and not just act through his physical body.
The astral body is the medium for the transmission of sensations to the mind from the physical body. Signals of physical reality perceived physical body and create the ethereal vibration which is transmitted to the astral counterpart and it is formed in the sensations cookout that are already perceived intelligence.
Any work on the development cookout of their thin bodies, is primarily a constant practice of overcoming their hurtful cookout desire, and tracking how these desires come where your thoughts and desires, and where imposed.
Astral body reacts to any of our thoughts is much faster than physical. Because it is closer to the world of the mind (mental plane), and a thin and mobile in nature. If you look at the astral world, we see that it is filled with ever-changing forms, lively thoughts - thought forms formed from the mass of elemental matter and dissolved again in this mass.
So we would see streams of thought, causing vibrations of astral matter and forming different shapes. Of the more thought, cookout the thought-form live longer as a separate being until it falls apart and will not return to the total mass of astral matter. Navier human body, being created cookout out of astral matter, readily responds to the impact of thoughts in response to fluctuations in it, regardless of whether this idea comes from the outside (from the mind of another person) or internally (from the mind of the owner of the body).
Nature Navego cookout body As we already know astral double permeates the physical body and beyond its borders, enveloping cookout like colorful clouds. Astral double color depends on the nature of man - from his lower, animal, passionate nature. That part that goes beyond the physical body is called kamicheskoy aura, because it belongs to the body or the body of Kama desires. cookout
As I wrote above the astral body is responding to any of your thoughts changing color. For example, if you are in love, then your astral body will spread shimmering red-pink wave, and if you are angry, it will be covered with crimson spots.
If a person's thoughts are sublime and noble, they must comply with the finer astral matter, and then the astral cookout body begins to lose the most serious and most dense particles of his astral matter cookout all the sublevels, replacing them with particles more subtle and perfect.
Depending on the purity of the food that you eat, and thoughts cookout that radiate in your astral body is changing the number of particles cookout of matter of higher cookout and lower. cookout Its clean and lofty thoughts, we clear his astral twin and there is no need to apply any, or other measures. The process of cleaning the astral double is important not only for the incarnation, but also for the afterlife (life between incarnations), because there are all come in their astral bodies. Besides this astral

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