Friday, October 10, 2014

Home AT buffoon Velin - personal topic Vseslav Solo - personal topic Conclusions sheds HEALTH Infor

The astral body, the novel "buffoon, or Home Magic" Part 1 "The Beginning", the head of the ninth "Love" (short story), reads Vseslav Solo
Home AT buffoon Velin - personal topic Vseslav Solo - personal topic Conclusions sheds HEALTH Information LOGIC subject-pointlessness ISLANDS Love PEACE AND WISDOM WATCH RUSSIA
Every day in the world to broadcast the countless television channels. Undoubtedly, all of them eager to embrace a multi-faceted lives of our planet. But only a planetary NEVS television sheds channel TV * NEVS-TV - A NEW ERA OF WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS unite the land! Read more
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Categories Select Category AT Jester (9) Velina - personal column (6) Vseslav Solo - personal column (33) Conclusions (7) Health (67) Information (3) Subject-LOGIC pointlessness ISLANDS sheds (11) Love (8) PEACE AND RUSSIA (32) WISDOM (69) Observations (65) ILLUMINATI (3) Science (4) NEVS TV * NEVS-TV (25) Sings Vseslav Solo (1) predictions (23) Esoterica (75) Humor (11)
This 25 tv tv channel transmission NEVS TV * NEVS-TV Questions Velin responsible Vseslav Solo Avarice - it karmic tool for improving developing essence embodied in the world. Is it possible to live, to love unselfishly? Can you love unselfishly? Can I Pentacle "Karma" cleanse ourselves from self-interest? All politicians in the world should be selfless? How to raise children in a disinterested environment how to deal with selfish people, and to defend themselves against their self-interest? And many other things you will learn in this program. SEE MORE TRANSMISSION OF TELEVISION CHANNEL NEVS TV * NEVS-TV.
Stay tuned for more chapters of the novel. In the following, not to look for a sequel around the blog in the blog menu "Activities", sheds which is located in the column on the right, immediately open the heading "AT-buffoon." Enjoy your lifetime.
Once people were born into the light and lived honestly and fairly. Each person had his own love, and everyone can love everyone. All people in the world live in prosperity and joy, in reciprocity. They can share love, give love to each other, and faith was everyone in that it will not be without love, Give your love one's neighbor, that he will receive a one-to love our neighbor. All mankind was treated sheds kindly and happily, sheds it was plunged sheds in love. There was people in the world, satiated with love, and the poor people, without love ... But time passed, and now, maybe by accident, but someone who was born first - without love, and maybe not even born at all, but just one -That first not give her love to him. And one that does not give her love, and became the owner of her own and another love, becoming a collector's love of the wealthy. And the one who gave her love, but did not receive love in return, that person became a beggar, without love, and give him more was nothing left to be petitioner sheds love and live in poverty, his spirit ... rich man, having in addition to his love and the love of others, became prominent among all. Following his example, someone else cheated someone, too, do not give her love in return. There was one rich and one poor man. Always important first example of it all goes. Soon has become much richer and a lot of beggars. Some rich people had been three or four other people's love and more! Bred so different in degree rich, wealth has become inheritable, sheds and only the poor turn out more and more ... Beggars begged, asked the rich to return their love, belonging to them from birth, or deceived sheds the rich and cunning robs them of their love, or robbed them. Love began to buy and sell, barter ... And only a few people kept their love with them, some of them will share it with each other sweet and clear, and someone in fear of each other thought he cheated and will not let love in return for his love! And this all happened more often! As time passed, all the big fights were held for the possession of the love of humanity. People because of this exterminating each other huge amounts! People began to appear closed to anyone at all and never gave my love, lost faith in justice. So there was a world of people - the poor, and jaded, and living by themselves ... Soon there were teachers. They called on the rich, who have a lot of love, giving away your love above all to the poor, people who have no love. Without waiting for them to short-term love in return because they nishchi

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