Thursday, October 9, 2014

The answer to this question depends on the angle from which we will consider it. According to the s

The idea for the release traeger of the body for some time and the opportunity to travel with our spirit, soul, or something traeger else OBE sounds pretty tempting. But this is not fiction, but a fact, which has been ascertained in many well-known cultures. Almost all the ancient and modern religions talk about such experiences. In reality, a spiritual movement has been called "body experiences", and at various times it was called differently.
In ancient Egypt, for example, there was the image of a bird with a human face, called Ba. In various ancient Indian writings describes these phenomena. In the Bible we also find some cases. In Christianity, above all, we must pay attention to the figure of St. Teresa. Her mystical states of consciousness could easily fit astral travel.
Almost all the tribes of American traeger Indians found similar rituals. It is believed that the use of certain drugs: was designed to achieve traeger the state of mind required for the commission of astral travel. The same state is achieved through meditation, but in this case requires a lot more practice.
Define the concept of "astral travel", of course, traeger difficult. It is about the liberation of the spirit from the body, the possibility of the spirit to go into your measurement. In this process, we will meet with two distinct streams: research that is able to identify this phenomenon, and the esoteric (or religious), which gives meaning to experience. Astral travel traeger is the separation traeger of the astral body from the physical in a way that stops the interference of the mind and emotions. From the point of view of experts, it is a feeling similar traeger to that experienced during clinical death. People returning to life after going through traeger it, describe a situation similar to astral travel. But you do not go so far as to temporarily get rid of the body.
Many researchers believe that astral travel in most cases carried out in a natural way, during dreams. But there are formulas that allow to implement them consciously traeger and controlled. This is one of the most surprising moments: there are people who travel spontaneously, while others, on the contrary, it is very difficult to implement them, how much they were looking for the ideal state of mind. In general, astral travel consciously done, not in a dream, it is in a moment of relaxation prior to sleep. These techniques generally require some training and several attempts.
People who experienced an out of body experience, say that they felt like their spirit is separated from the body. This sensation is very difficult to describe, may be different, but there is evidence, though not necessarily repeated in most cases. For example, you can feel dizzy feeling traeger vibrations. Often also a sense of recovery, if we lift up on a stretcher. When a person is separated from his body, he can see it from the outside. This is one of the sensations, allowing to determine what actually takes place astral travel.
Famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung in "Memories, Dreams and Reflections" tells the story of an out of body experience that happened traeger to him in 1944. He did not himself provoked his experience was the result of a serious illness. "It seemed to me that I was in some space ... Away from me, I saw the globe, immersed in a bright blue light.
I saw the deep blue sea and the continents. Under my feet, in the distance, was Ceylon, and beneath traeger me was the Indian subcontinent. My sight is not covered the entire Earth, but its spherical shape was clearly visible and its outlines shone with an amazing blue light, like silver ... "
During the trip, the paint appear more vivid. It is normal that in the beginning, we are experimenting with the new state, passing through the door, touching things ... After the moment of adaptation spirit can move anywhere - at any time, in any measurement - depending on the intuitive solution.
The answer to this question depends on the angle from which we will consider it. According to the shamans, astral travel can improve the physical condition of the human spirit, traeger freed from the body, can find healing from disease. From the point of view of parapsychologists, astral travel allows you to communicate with the transcendent world, and to obtain sufficient resources for the spiritual needs of each person. You can be in two places at once, and it allows you to accumulate more experience. You can also establish contact with the dead or with their former life, if you believe in reincarnation.
Often the objective is determined traeger during the actual journey, irrespective traeger of whether it was preceded by some idea. All the people who practiced out of body experience, agree that it is a very pleasant feeling, traeger always giving a broader and more positive vision of life.
This experience traeger gives rise to many questions. We really separated from the body, or n

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