Saturday, October 11, 2014

- What can I wish for beginners? That they were not pushy and immediately fell into despair, if the

Today I will tell you about astral travel Dmitry Raikina and out of the body within 7 days. This is my friend and student, and just a good man, who gladly shared with you my out of body experience. It has its own unique story, and I hope it will help you master travel outside the physical body. You can listen to the interview, and if it is hard to hear - read it below.
- I've been digging around minecraft seeds on the internet in search of information. It was interesting to learn something new. Also read different minecraft seeds books related to paganism and different Vedic cults. And then I learned minecraft seeds about the possibility of stopping the internal dialogue and meditation, it has access to a completely different state of consciousness. Of course, the first time I did not succeed. Well, there was a certain excitement, interest to try something new in life. So, I started here. Immediately, all the way you want, does not matter.
- The first astral experience I had ... .Znaesh, it was not the astral plane ... was probably just out of the body, but in our reality. Unforgettable experience. Experience ... you know, I was very much afraid. And so, the yield was more like that on a certain weightlessness. I was engaged by the light and did not even turn on the computer. The first week was hard. It was like, if I were someone started to pump out of the body. At first I could not understand - I tried out in the Astral, or so it seemed to me simply. I thought it was my imagination ran riot. But I felt that the body that something has happened. I even still can not give an explanation minecraft seeds that it was full, because at that moment I experienced uncontrollable fear.
- Yes, I was not trying to persuade himself that it was not true. Why deal with those things in which you do not believe, right? minecraft seeds Not logical. First thoughts were that they say ... it's a fantasy. Emotions are living there, so do not believe that this is a figment of your imagination. minecraft seeds
- I define it at the time, when I look at my hands. Heard about the practice, how to determine - "real or not real." The first thing I checked my hands in the Astral. minecraft seeds I mentally raise them and look at his hands (I try to see them). minecraft seeds So, I define what I came out.
- Interesting question. Life has improved, really ... First for me astral travel were as a hobby. I did not take them seriously. When I began to study further, he met his mentor there. You could say that I started to change the character.
- That's right! My mentor is too strict. In the Astral, not all right so kind and gentle. He swore at me at first for certain human failings, and then gave the opportunity to drink from the "Cup of Dreams," he told me. To be honest, lately I do not see him.
- For me, let's say ... my outputs in the Astral - a continuation of my life, and I can look into the past and parallel lives, to get a variety of information that helps me to grow. And you for myself that there draws?
- To be honest, now I can not live without the Astral. My mom feels superstitious fear to it, and she thinks that I will not be back. But I do not think this is some kind of mystical experience or risk for me, my soul and mind. I understand that the outputs of the body can not hurt me.
- Of course, after the "exit" I had a very unpleasant experience. I saw some dark, scary world. I will not go into details. But I knew it was just fear and they need to win. Although at the moment I have experienced a great shock and horror. In subsequent times I have not returned to their fears ... they were not. I won them! It helped that I was in the temple of Telos (I told you about it in the post "Travel in the Astral Temple in Telos: a room with blue diamond") ... Temple of Light.
- I read your book on the astral plane. Meditation helps. Coached primarily emotion because they prevent escape from the body. They turn astral travel to some chaos. minecraft seeds Helping your meditation. minecraft seeds Yes, and I do not even do one practice. The last time it was very hard to leave your physical body ... there are different situations. This is due to the fact that I took the milk for 2 hours prior to the Astral.
- Liked to eat at night. It was my bad habit before. When I started to Output in the Astral, so I stopped eating. I especially feel a little hungry before the astral plane. So much easier. The most that I can eat
- What can I wish for beginners? That they were not pushy and immediately fell into despair, if the first time does not fall into the astral world. Honestly, I have now also not every time it turns out okay "to go." I have a somehow prepare. Read books on the astral plane, pass rates, and have an interesting, useful and pleasant things.
- It was interesting to talk with you, Dima. I think that all your recommendations and your experience will help those who have

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