Monday, October 13, 2014

I want to tell another of his astral experiences. I do not remember, garen guide she left her body,

How many people in the world, and not only in the world, so many unique astral bodies. Of course, the astral body develops as the spiritual perfection of man, gradually becoming more sophisticated, protected from the negative influences of other energies that come from others. Depends on its condition, what would be another way out in the Astral. How to improve your subtle body, clear, and that is necessary for its development?
2 Saturate fancies only positive, bright emotions. Very often, this helps me a good book and record garen guide with the laughter garen guide of children, garen guide from which she could not help starting to laugh and be happy. For example, right now I'm reading a book by Bernard Werber "Empire of the angels." Advise! You can now download the book "Empire of Angels" by Bernard Werber. At the expense of children's laughter, the bottom garen guide of the post is required to lay out. Note: after you create in your mind of mental images, you should feel inspired, lightness in the body, a feeling of joy and lightheartedness.
3 life-giving energy flowing through this subtle body, ideally must constantly circulate and go in the other person's body. Reinforce their images of how you breathe a prana. Imagine a cloud of golden energy and breathe it all over. Enough to do the exercise at night for 5-7 minutes. It helps to free themselves from the "heavy" energy and replace it with "light."
Exercise 1: Before going to bed, imagine how you turn into the sun or are right in the center. You feel the heat coming from energy. Now you can get back into the physical body, and imagine, and then the inner eye to see how it glows. Then begins to swing the astral body, as if lulling you.
Exercise 2 deliberately invoke a feeling of free-fall garen guide into the abyss ... and remember it. Perform this exercise for 5-6 minutes 2-3 times a day. Exercise 3 Lie down on the bed (can be done in the morning or in the afternoon), garen guide relax and close your eyes. Try to imagine how your astral body is separated. It starts to walk around the room and examine items. At first, I worked every day. Learn to memorize details and "see" astral eyes. It is true then I immediately wanted to try it, and that if you jump from 16 etazhki (keep in mind, I'm talking about the astral subtle body), swim in the river and walk along the street. Interesting sensations. All this is much increased my confidence that I still can manage garen guide the subtle body and strengthen it more and more.
Output in the Astral will happen if you start to follow my advice, checked garen guide for yourself! By the way very helpful meditation on the "expansion of consciousness to the infinite universe. Go beyond! "Which I painted as accurately as possible for you. I like it when something was very helpful. Sorry, but only recently thought about it :)
Determine the exact date when the astral body leaves the physical consciously. Write down a reminder on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere in a prominent place. Fix the number of days, and later hours left before the "great event." I heard that it works, and even very good.
The most simple way out in the Astral. Report for 7 days
Hello, Julia! I have not practiced for three years access to the astral plane. Here I want to try again, but this time with a purpose. I noticed that not an experienced traveler, having appeared in the small world, the subconscious mind instantly materializes some images of life on earth. Therefore, we can see their friends and relatives, some items and areas where we visited earlier. In other words - the astroid (materialized imagination). I also noticed that when arriving in the astral garen guide world, I can not think constructively and focus on the main purpose of the stay. So how do you overcome this limit and see who really exists and logical reasoning, as well as in the physical world?
I, too, so it was. But think of no way to get rid of most ... experience for yourself and tell where your personal fiction, where the astral reality. In any case, a person begins to project its familiar reality. Once a man or a creature from another mira..skazal me that I stop projecting your thoughts in the Astral, when I decide issues that disturb me in my heart. After all, we do not think that we are not worried and not zatsepaet for a living. To logical reasoning garen guide in the Astral and easy to focus, you need more practice.
I want to tell another of his astral experiences. I do not remember, garen guide she left her body, I remember that was sitting in my room on the couch and turned and saw the creature sitting on a chair at the computer screen. I jumped off the couch (and I'm fully aware that everything happens in a dream, garen guide and it is something it's from another world) and made a non-human growl ... I'm not scared, but rather wanted to scare whatever this entity is gone! It fell, and quickly departed the room. But I suc

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