Tuesday, October 14, 2014

This 25 tv tv channel transmission NEVS TV * NEVS-TV Questions Velin responsible Vseslav Solo Avari

The astral body, the novel "buffoon, or Home Magic" Part 1 "The Beginning", the second chapter, "The night goes on," reads Vseslav Solo
Home AT buffoon Velin - personal topic Vseslav Solo - personal topic Conclusions HEALTH Information LOGIC subject-pointlessness ISLANDS Love PEACE AND WISDOM WATCH RUSSIA
Every day in the world to broadcast the countless television channels. Undoubtedly, crocus all of them eager to embrace a multi-faceted lives of our planet. But only a planetary NEVS television channel TV * NEVS-TV - A NEW ERA OF WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS unite the land! Read more
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Categories Select Category AT Jester (9) Velina - personal column (6) Vseslav Solo - personal column (33) Conclusions (7) Health (67) Information (4) Subject-LOGIC pointlessness ISLANDS (11) Love (8) PEACE AND RUSSIA (32) WISDOM (70) Observations (65) ILLUMINATI (3) Science (4) NEVS TV * NEVS-TV (25) Sings Vseslav crocus Solo (1) predictions (23) Esoterica (75) Humor (11)
This 25 tv tv channel transmission NEVS TV * NEVS-TV Questions Velin responsible Vseslav Solo Avarice - it karmic tool for improving developing essence embodied crocus in the world. Is it possible to live, to love unselfishly? Can you love unselfishly? Can I Pentacle "Karma" cleanse ourselves crocus from self-interest? All politicians in the world should be selfless? How to raise children in a disinterested environment how to deal with selfish people, and to defend themselves against their self-interest? And many other things you will learn in this program. SEE MORE TRANSMISSION OF TELEVISION CHANNEL NEVS TV * NEVS-TV.
Suddenly crocus the morning silence in the apartment shrill call stressed in the hallway. I brushed off the sheet, jumped up from the couch and quickly pulled on sweatpants. Barefoot and shirtless, I opened the front door for themselves and one eye looked out on to the landing: on the threshold stood a neighbor Vic. I opened the door wider and stepped out of her entirely. - Are you still sleeping ?! - Smiled and prihihiknuv asked Vic, having taken me from head to toe stare. - Wow ... Come ... - I growled and opened the door wide open. Vick darted into the hallway and spoke quickly, as if apologizing, taking deft hand movements sandals: - Your mom already twenty minutes she left for work, I saw it from the balcony ... So I thought that you, at least, no longer sleep. With one hand I was rubbing sleepy eyes, the other - Vick showed towards my room, inviting her to go. She understood without words, accustomed to my whims. I slammed the door. Already out of my room Vick, apparently, as always sat on the sofa, spoke calmly, with line-ups: - You know, I brought you a book as a gift! - What? - Opening the door to the bathroom and pausing, I asked. - Author - Gurevich ... - Yes, God is with him, with the author - is called what?
- A is the "Revived whether mysticism?" There was a pause ... - What are you silent? crocus - Vick was disturbed. - You do not like the name? - The night goes on! - I said aloud. - What? What a night ?! What are you talking about? - No, nothing ... What the book say? - I'm still standing at the entrance to the bathroom. - Mis-ti-ka ... - zaklinayusche hissed Vic. - What is Mysticism? - I asked jokingly. - Are you not familiar with this word? - She was delighted with the enthusiasm crocus expert added: - Revenant case .. - Oh, good! - I've said from the bathroom. - I'll be right leafed through and evaluate, and wash only. - Hurry up, I .. Vick has said something after him, but her voice muffled from the open faucet stuck into my palms effervescent stream of water, and a fine spray hit my face ... After washing, I twisted the faucet, the water stopped making noise, and again manifested voice Vicki. crocus I heard her read aloud excerpts from the books and brought them commented. I pulled from the rack a soft towel and started to get wet face, then sat down on the edge of the tub. I could hear everything that was said and read Vic, but to my mind through the barrier last night heard only fragments of some phrases: - "Is it not of interest crocus to the fact that, for example, the new" body ", which is supposedly ..." - Vic stopped reading, cites the example of his great-aunt - three dies. Again, read on: - "astral body" is ... "" The night goes on, "- I thought, but the following passage listened attentively: -" It is significant - continued to read aloud Vic

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