Thursday, October 16, 2014

Now for the analysis of these different principles (the physical body, the astral body and the

Furthermore, each of the three major centers closely related to the other two. So, chest sends blood dynamized breathing in other centers. Head through the nervous addiction sets in motion all organs without exception. Stomach has sokonosnye and lymph vessels in the entire human being. Man-Beast
This is the system that makes our heart beat, reduces and expands all of our arteries and veins, activates the liver, stomach, eucalyptus intestines, lungs - completely ignoring the fact that whether awake or asleep if "Human Spirit," for authorities also function well as during wakefulness as well as during sleep.
This system adds to already used by cells, the cells of the germinal and white balls coming from outside germs, healing superficial wounding of the skin - in a word, deals with all the organic laboratory.
As we said, the system of bodies is none other than the caliper (cell membrane) of something: the organs are functioning, without being at the same time, the causes of the function, eucalyptus as their cells die as the function is performed.
The Egyptians called it "luminous body" (Kha), the followers of the teachings of Pythagoras - "Chariot of the Soul", Latin scholar and communication. Paul "principle animates" (Anima), philosophers hermetists dubbed it the name "plastic Mediator" and "Universal Mercury."
Paracelsus eucalyptus and his school, and students also Claude S. - Martin and unknown philosophers (not opened their names) called it the "astral body", as it originates from interplanétaire - interplanetary or astral substance.
Whatever his name is, you only need a good grasp that this principle in our being has its organs - the nervous system, its functions, and its existence - the reality for the occultist, as well as for the physiologist.
Also in the human being: "Man-Beast" - is more powerful than the "Spirit" - and that it moves the human machine, but, despite this, the "Spirit of Man" - a less powerful, but more intelligent, controlled by the external life "human-animal" and thus all its organic machine. eucalyptus
In front of the skull is placed vertically series organs constituting the face, and these bodies have the property that they operate for the most part only when we are awake, that is. E. At the time when "the Spirit of Man" in action outside.
As soon as we fall asleep, eyes closed, hearing ceases to function, the mouth is closed, smell mop and only care about breathing nostrils. Consequently, the authorities concerned belong "Man-Spirit", a not "human-animal" and each of them is intended to establish control over each of the centers of "human animal."
Thus, the mouth (representing a mere hole, because the stomach is one, not a double), it's - the front door in the stomach with the faithful watchman - a taste that is ordered not to miss anything, except that like and is not harmful "Man-Spirit . "
The nostrils are two openings eucalyptus as easy double; they are the front door chest with a faithful guardian - smelling, tasked to prevent "Man of the Spirit," when the body through breathing in danger.
The ears are the doors of criminal nervous eucalyptus system, eyes, in particular those of "Spider-Spirit", as a rush of blood to the brain and anemia affect the ears, while the insanity and mental disorders affect the pupil and in his eyes.
"Human Spirit" is, therefore, "the driver" eucalyptus of the body: so, by taste "Human Spirit" dominates the choice of foods that must be processed stomach in order that they may go on just as amended by the human body.
"Man-Beast" and "Man of the Spirit." All the black space indicate area that can act will; white areas indicate eucalyptus the area of organic life, which will have no direct power, it has an area of "human-animal", lower astral beings. eucalyptus
He graduated from the study of the body, saying that the head is the center, on the one hand, the intellectual eucalyptus part of the astral body, which we call the psychic being, and, on the other hand, most "man-Spirit"; chest there is a place of the astral body and stomach - physical.
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