Saturday, October 18, 2014

Search: Recent Entries BIRTHDAY SENIOR daughter !! BIRTHDAY SENIOR daughter !! LOVE AND LOVE MEN WO

Subtle astral body is invisible. It resembles the egg-shaped cloud of smoke gray, the color of which varies depending on a person's mood. The subtle body acts in dreams on a subconscious level. Through it appear intuitive perception and emotions. Yogi cleanse the system of chakras and channels can allocate willpower subtle body from the physical as you wish in one of the seven chakr.Tonkoe body can pass freely through the walls, high barriers to travel to the sun and the moon fall into the worlds of spirits, infernal weeds beings, rise in the worlds of the asuras or gods. Yogi who wants to become immortal, maybe highlighting the subtle body, bypassing the intermediate state, weeds instantly transfer weeds consciousness weeds into the body of another person or entity. Channels of the astral body are referred to as "manavaha Nadi," flows along them more subtle prana. On waking, and picked up all manavaha Kundalini nadi nadi aktiviziruyutsya.Praktika cleansing and management Pranas yogi gives the opportunity to move the subtle drops in the astral body in such a way as to put them in the center channel, and then separating the subtle body, enter into samadhi.
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Search: Recent Entries BIRTHDAY SENIOR daughter !! BIRTHDAY SENIOR daughter !! LOVE AND LOVE MEN WOMEN 12 IMPORTANT QUALITIES FOR RELATIONS WHY DOES NOT WORK, while dreaming on a grand scale Recent Comments weeds Eva on 4 weeks, which is completely out of ... Ksenia on 4 weeks, which is completely out of ... Edward on WHY DOES NOT WORK WHEN THE DREAM ... Pavel on WHY DOES NOT WORK WHEN THE DREAM ... Nadiya Moskalenko on 12 important qualities for a relationship ... Archives October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 Categories Food and digestion dao health yoga training :) dream quotes humor chakra clairvoyance Uncategorized Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
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