Friday, October 17, 2014

According to Madame Blavatsky, the astral body - is one of the seven bodies, possessed by every hum

Astral body: Encyclopedia misconceptions
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According to Madame Blavatsky, the astral body - is one of the seven bodies, possessed by every human. The astral body is the carrier of feelings and desires and has an aura. It is not known how to interact with the physical body and the rest of the alleged body, but argues that this is possible thanks to an occult power. I also declare that the astral body can leave the other bodies in the course of body experiences (WTO), referred to as astral projection.
Evidence of the existence of the astral body are the lot of hoaxes. Scientific evidence of this phenomenon does not exist (thousands of experiments were carried out around the world, but no reliable evidence has been obtained - approx. Trans.). According prune to James Randi, the idea of the astral body "appeared to answer most questions about dreams, [life after] death or hallucinations without providing any evidence, and the evidence in its favor, except prune for the convenience of such inventions prune and, as a result, there is no need of reasoning and / or learning. "
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Ah, that's where Nicolai Levashov took their ideas about the seven forms of matter and other nonsense! Astral body - this is no confirmed idea. Dreams and hallucinations can be explained from the standpoint of psychoanalysis

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