Thursday, December 18, 2014

This became clear to me for some of the employees go, but then it happened as you can see, when the

Lovely this Spring Day - ma used to check the screaming seagulls do that conducts intense nesting in small islets in the white short above the bridge. The situation was almost one and come in fishing, lacked any bátkænur port and so-called "sjávarilm". These included the "sea smell" can be easily solved in the same manner as is done in mjólkurbæ Iceland these days with "fjósilm" - create a sort of container, for example, known townspeople here in the countryside, can find scent, as with unexplained way connects them to themselves.
This became clear to me for some of the employees go, but then it happened as you can see, when the slide was down to the harbor in the town accounted for. I, and most Laugarás fireflies inhabitants look at these loud seaside birds, the plague, which is needed to get rid of.
I was, of course, with eosin and click of this and as ever. Among that I wanted to photograph, fireflies even one time, the old water hut, but he lived I signal in the old days when I got a part time summer fireflies to paint the house (of course for klíkuskap where the old teenager sat once that more often Board of Waterworks Association Laugarás). Now, what about it. As I approached the house, jumped suddenly from rabbits jumping out into the open. This seems obvious, the rabbit plague is imminent Laugarás, as across the country. I am now optimistic despite this pláguuppgötvandi today. In Laugarás have been plagues, through the years, in various forms. None of them has been able to cause such damage in the village in the forest, there has life become lead. The same, I believe that will be the outcome in the battle ahead of them children of nature as above mentioned. Hopefully not a vision for Laugarás fireflies More photos from the day
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