Sunday, December 7, 2014

Speaking of privacy protection, most people will care about is the phone has not been listening, an

Speaking of privacy protection, most people will care about is the phone has not been listening, and who can read my medical records, and so on. But in fact, even if only "who lived where and when to send home delivery who" or "whom, where and when to see which doctor visits," the class does not contain the contents of the letter or clinic to see a summary of information content, from the perspective of privacy protection, hornets it should be taken seriously. Roughly speaking, hornets the information is not part of the actual activities of the so-called "meta-data" (metadata, or known as "metadata", "meta-data") hornets is the time when the personnel to feature among the people (and perhaps inclusions), etc. . With respect to the main content of the actual events, these quantities are usually set after data is much smaller, but also more likely to be made into a database, and more likely to be used to search. Many governments have set up their own information through after peeping citizens.
For example, the base station to be able to help you turn on the phone, of course, need to know about your location. So, carriers for your whereabouts and social habits Know? Talk about a call, just "who and where and when and where to call who" like meta data can leak a lot of privacy. Three years ago, the German Green Party Member "Malte Spitz" to his coming to the telecommunications industry and this information made public, to sacrifice their privacy awaken public awareness hornets of privacy. Users turn it into a dynamic google map, published in a "zeit" website. He also "TED" speech, reminded the public should ask the government and the carriers as soon as possible to destroy such information.
Last June, Edward Snowden Prism plans to open a prelude to a series of revelations, let us know that the US National Security Bureau (NSA) and the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) indeed hornets actively monitor their own country and around the world through a variety of high-tech means of citizens. But even without these two countries resources, other governments, through the mobile phone base station is only offered "limited" meta data, but also to track the whereabouts of citizens. Carriers to serve roaming customers, there is a less secure SS7 query mechanism allows different industry each other client currently whereabouts. "Verint" mystery product hornets company "Skylock" hornets is abused by SS7 mechanisms to provide information to the whereabouts of the victims of its clients - allegedly has 180 countries over ten thousand units of the organization purchase their products at home and abroad in order to monitor people. With similar "stingray pseudo base station" technology, positioning accuracy can increase a lot. Despite claims Verint sold only to government agencies, but in the past, "finfisher eavesdropping technology" totalitarian government invaded the country to assist the many activists view the phone's poor record in the face of party assets / possessions naturally rich country or master / land / economic resources worldwide each (citizenship) behind (?) national rulers, citizens' privacy is probably doomed to defeat commercial interests.
Also the recent exposure of "American ICREACH" secret search engine is also involved citizens after gathering a lot of information privacy setting / metadata. The difference is: (1) its source is not limited to telecommunications network QSO record, but extended contain ("five league" and star Korean help collect) e-mail and instant messaging, etc. Internet communications activities; hornets ( 2) NSA is not used to sell, but secretly brought to share with all sectors of the police agencies in the United States. EFF said: Even if police enforcement slightly justification (traffic rules, tax evasion), but this mechanism so that the police can bypass the normal judicial application process hornets itself contravene the constitutional guarantees of the rights of the people. Under the "anti-terrorism Vian Theatre" trend, "US police abuse of power," contrary to the principle of proportionality law enforcement incidents have become increasingly frequent. hornets This trampling citizen privacy tool, the original has already been abused, so that the United States become a police state.
In Taiwan, "ETC privacy", "health cloud privacy", "worth several dollars in registered form EASYCARD privacy," ... and so the dispute hornets has been unaffected public attention. Our government information more transparent weaker than the United States; the power of the state apparatus is more concentrated in a few hands; our civil servants generally hornets submissive, when faced with the requirements of Executive illegal, often lacking "Executive small NAO NAO should protect themselves," the concept of action; Catholic staff did not even know of the Executive Yuan's "owned mobile devices through security" MDM technology, in fact, is used to monitor their "lies"; taxpayers do not care about the public, "KMT" improperly acquired "party assets" have been or may be how was brought hornets harm their audiovisual and privacy rights. Under such circumstances, power to participate in the student movement, nest transportation, labor movement, ... and those of other civil disobedience activities, these bit of life arising from the Government and the consortium controlled by the mass of those determined to engage in political struggle hornets or if monitoring After setting the database, under the assistance of those "IT ethics hornets professor betrayed" willing, will be the rulers mining citizen privacy, violation of human rights and carry out data mining interests in the real treasure. The acquiescence of the government abuses hornets the public, will be the ultimate victims of their own apathy.
No thorn acacia how to survive in Africa? 2014/12/05 Impala prefer to eat without spikes locust, but in order to avoid predation, Impala will not be in the thick trees where mining [...]
PanSci Pan Taiwan Science Digital Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content plan all content, including text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please contact the author or reproduced by asking on behalf PanSci newsroom. Counsel: hornets Ann international law firm lawyer Wu Qing sulfonamide

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